Chapter Fifteen: The Kiss

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Jisoo entered to the sounds of Jinwoo's giggles and Jennie's laughter. Home. She caught sight of them sitting together on the sofa, a book in their laps.

Jinwoo saw his momma and scooted down, running at Jisoo with open arms.


Jisoo knelt down to catch the toddler who was leaping at her. As she stood, holding her son close, she closed her eyes. She couldn't explain how good this felt.

She was further enveloped in that warmth flowing through her when she opened her eyes and caught the soft smile on Jennie's face before she turned away and made her way into the kitchen.

Jisoo entered the kitchen, still holding Jinwoo. She rest her hip against the counter as she looked at Jennie. Ever since her chastise kiss in the kitchen, she wanted to pull Jennie to her again.

And, when Jennie looked at Jisoo out of the corner of her eyes with that smile she was giving Jisoo now, Jisoo fooled herself into thinking Jennie wanted it as well.

Jinwoo took on the role of breaking up the silence between the adults. It's almost like he knew they wanted to talk but didn't know what to say to one another.

"Mommy's making crabby patties."

Jisoo's eyebrows rose in question to her. "Crabby patties?"

"It seems if a sponge can cook these things, I shouldn't have a problem," Jennie told her.

"A sponge?"

Jinwoo wiggled to get down. Jisoo released him and watched him scamper off.

"I think I can even handle cheeseburgers," Jennie teased.

"Okay," Jisoo responded back.

They worked together on a simple meal of cheeseburgers, tater tots in the shapes of the alphabet, and Mommy's broccoli.

As Jisoo descended the stairs after settling Jinwoo in, she found Jennie on the sofa with the book Jennie and Jinwoo had when she came home. As she stepped closer, she saw it was a photo album.

On the table sat more albums. You had to give Jennie credit for trying to spark her memory. But, that was Jennie. Determined.

Jisoo sat in the corner of the sofa, stretching out her legs, her arm along the back of the sofa. Gathering the album closer, Jennie snuggled closer, draping her legs over Jisoo.

"What's this?" Jisoo asked, trying to ignore her body reaction to Jennie's closeness.

"Look at this!" Jennie said excitedly. She placed a photo of Jisoo and Jinwoo at approximately the same age together. "He looks so much like you!"

Without thinking, Jisoo tapped Jennie's nose with her finger. "He has your nose."

There it was again, that dark flash through Jennie's eyes. Taking Jisoo's breath away.

"What were you like as a kid?" Jennie asked, her eyes lingering with Jisoo.

"I was perfect, of course."

"Jisoo!" Jennie laughed. "You gave your mom hell, didn't you?"

"No more than you," Jisoo evasively returned.

Jennie returned to the album. She noticed the album was one of her from childhood, not Jinwoo's.

They spent the next hour looking over the photos, Jennie asking Jisoo to relive her childhood memories.

Going through Jisoo's life chronologically, from scrawny kid to high schooler.

"Who's this?" Jennie asked pointing to Jisoo with a girl. Both were dressed formally.

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