Chapter Sixteen: The Album

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A few days passed since their disagreement. Jennie didn't bring it up. She continued on her quest of trying to recover her memory.

Jisoo's body on the other hand, was severely reprimanding her. Her arms ached to hold Jennie as she had asked.

And, when Jennie look at her a certain way, she yearned to take Jennie in her arms and kiss away Jennie's doubts, her doubts, everything in their past.

Jisoo almost felt like she was cheating on her wife. But, Jennie was her wife. Technically anyway. And all this confusion was flowing over into her work life.

Site foremen were afraid to approach Jisoo on the issues coming up out of nowhere again. It was almost like fate was seeing just how much she could take before breaking.

"Jisoo?" Yeri called from Jisoo's office door.

Jisoo looked up. "Please don't tell me there's another site problem," she pleaded.

Yeri stepped into Jisoo's office and closed the door partially before walking over and sitting on the leather sofa.

"Wanna talk about it?" Yeri asked.

"About what?" Jisoo answered with another question.

Yeri lifted her eyebrows in a gesture of 'I know what's going on', and patted the sofa cushion inviting Jisoo away from her desk.

Once Jisoo sat on the opposite end of the sofa, Yeri turned to face her. "Jisoo, you know I care about you."

"Yeri..." Jisoo had a warning tone.

"Has she remembered anything?" Yeri asked.

Jisoo slumped back against the cushion and ran her hand down her face. "No. Not consciously anyway."

"I'm not following you."

"She says and does some things she used to. Like, remembering she calls Jinwoo her baby boy and chewing on her bottom lip when she isn't certain about something." Jisoo stood now and paced. "But, otherwise, it's like Kim Jennie doesn't exist."

"Jisoo, you know the doctors said it would take some time for her memories to come back."

"If they come back," Jisoo reminded her. She paced more.

"Jisoo, what aren't you saying?"

Jisoo turned and found Yeri had now stood and was near her. They shared a kind of camaraderie.

Yeri's marriage to Lalisa was in worse shape than Jisoo's had been prior to the accident. Where Jisoo held hope with Jennie, even after the divorce papers, Yeri felt her marriage to Lalisa beyond repair.

Jisoo knew Yeri envied Jennie. Yeri comment how strong she saw Jennie. Confident. Capable. All the things Yeri felt she wasn't. But, due to circumstances over the years, the friendship Yeri and Jennie once shared was gone.

A loss Jisoo knew Yeri grieved.

"She's just different," Jisoo answered.

"Of course she's different. She's trying to figure out where eight years of her life went."

"Why eight years, Yeri?"

Yeri's face indicated she wasn't following.

"Why not forget who she is completely? Why forget her life with me? It wasn't all bad, was it?"

Yeri reached for Jisoo's lower arm. "Jisoo, you know why things changed. Before all that stuff with Lalisa, you know what you and Jennie had..."

"Don't say it was special!" Jisoo retorted. She had thought, once upon a time, they did have something special. A fact she couldn't reconcile with herself now.

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