Chapter Forty-Four: The Realization

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With the holidays happening, no receptionist, only a couple of small projects active, the office portion of Jisoo's Ark was closed.

Jisoo had already given her crews time off to spend with their families. She wanted to give them what she anticipated having herself.

Time to be with the ones she loved without having to worry about work for a few days. Instead, she didn't know what Christmas would be.

Jennie had decorated the house but it felt anything but festive. This morning was tough.

Jennie didn't come to the house before Jinwoo woke. She didn't come at all.

Jinwoo was confused. Where's Mommy? He'd ask over and over. Further ripping Jisoo's battered heart apart.

A pre-school mom called the house mid-morning about a play date Jinwoo had with her little boy. Jisoo was grateful.

Her son could be a kid and Jisoo could try and figure out where she went from here. Her marriage is over. She'd signed it away last night.

Jisoo sat alone in the living room. She chuckled, "You don't sign divorce papers because you tell everyone you love your wife." She stood and paced. "And then you go and sign the damn thing when you really do," she chastised herself.

She went over the conversation she'd heard the night before. How could Jennie figure out the sub-standard supplies and yet she couldn't?

She'd gone over those invoices so many times her eyes crossed. And yet, for the past year and a half, these site crises kept her away from home longer and longer, causing their rift to get deeper and deeper. It was a perfect plan.

Lalisa knew exactly what would cause the greatest weakness in her marriage and used it to her advantage. With Jennie growing further and further away, Jennie's only course of action was to fall into Lalisa's plan.

To seek comfort from someone Jennie could trust. And her best friend used that trust to take Jennie away from her. How could she have been so blind to all of this?

It was so obvious now that she knew the facts. Not that it changed the outcome.

Jennie had walked away four months ago. And last night, she let Jennie go completely. How long before Jennie remembered everything Lalisa and she shared?

Jisoo continued cursing herself for not seeing all of this on her own. Lalisa had used the trust of their friendship against her and she never saw it.

Lalisa had successfully taken what she treasured the most from her: Jennie.

Effectively guiding her along the path of closing off from their marriage. Slowly pulling away from her and she never suspected a thing. How could Jisoo be so stupid and blind?

Not able to spend another minute in the cold and quiet of the house, Jisoo went to the office. Though that didn't hold any comfort either.

It was now the place of her life fell apart. The place she'd let Jennie walk away for good. She walked into the office and found it odd the door was unlocked.

As she approached her office, she heard voices in Lalisa's. As she stepped closer to the half-opened door, she saw Jennie talking with a young woman.

"I think we'll be figuring things out as we go along, if you're comfortable with that?" Jennie asked her visitor.

"Okay," the young woman responded back.

Jennie felt Jisoo's presence more than anything. Thankfully the makeup she applied this morning covered the dark circles beneath her eyes from a sleepless night.

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