Chapter Thirty-Six: The Accusation

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A/N: Clue there's three words that Jisoo wants to hear from Jennie from the start keke Comment if you think you know. Don't forget to vote and thank you guys for loving the story and give so much patient. There's more stories to come for sure. I hope I'll finish this story soon. Take care everyone


As Jisoo's angry strides made her way through the parking lot toward Jennie, her dinner date entered his own car and drove away.

Jennie had just pressed the unlock button on her remote when Jisoo approached her.

"Jennie, what the hell is going on?"

Jennie spun around. Surprised to see Jisoo made her way to her.

Just past Jisoo's shoulder, Yeri was stepping closer.

"Jisoo, what are you doing here?" Jennie asked.

Jisoo now stood right in front of her. Jennie obviously hadn't planned on seeing her this evening. That was written all over her guilt ridden face.

"I asked my question first," Jisoo hissed.

"I had a meeting." Jennie lifted her chin in defiance.

"A meeting," Jisoo repeated. "Dressed like that?"

Jennie wore one of those simple black dresses women were supposed to have. Hers made of clingy material that molded to her upper body, the skirt whispering just past her knees. Just enough to reach the top of her killer black heel.

And, Jisoo knew what was beneath that black dress. Her imagination took a quick trip envisioning Jennie in black bra and panties with those heels. She shook free at the sound of Jennie's voice.

"Yes, Jisoo. A meeting." As Jennie looked at Jisoo, it dawned on her what Jisoo was accusing her of. "Kim Jisoo, don't you dare."

"From what I could see, your meeting looked plenty cozy."

"Oh, and holding hands with your receptionist wasn't cozy?" Jennie angrily shot back as Yeri now stood with them.

"Don't try to turn this around on me, Jennie. Yeri and I were just having dinner."

Jennie stood there, looking insulted. Her entries in her journals repeating in her mind at her thoughts there was more between the two of them than met the eye.

Their non-verbal communications she'd seen since the accident. The longing she'd see in Yeri's eyes whenever she'd look at Jisoo.

All of it came rushing forth with such force it almost smothered her.

"You are some piece of work Jisoo! How dare you accuse me of anything after this?"

Jisoo reached for Jennie's arm when she turned away to get into her car.

"There's nothing going on between Yeri and me!"

Here it was again. Jennie thought this before the accident. No amount of denying or explaining worked then either.

Jennie looked at Yeri with such anger, Yeri actually took a step back. And then Jennie laughed as Jisoo stepped between the two women.

"Yeri is going through a rough time. For God's sake Jennie, her marriage is a mess!"

"Because of me?" Jennie angrily demanded.

"Jennie, please..." Yeri tried.

"Don't!" Jennie shouted back to Yeri. "I may not remember things, but I am certainly not stupid or blind! I see the way you look at Jisoo. Another half truth I've been fed since the accident. I've had enough!"

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