Chapter Seventeen: The Accident

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It had taken Jisoo forever to fall asleep. Once she did, it turned into a restful sleep. Something she hadn't had in a long time. An actual peace flowed through her.

Morning light began seeping through the spaces in the blinds. Their kiss the night before had brought forth dreams she wasn't ready to give up just yet. The dreams so powerful she could actually smell the raspberry shampoo of Jennie hair, transporting her back in time.

It'd been years since Jennie used raspberry shampoo. Hell, Jennie used raspberry bath wash, body lotion; Jennie smelled like a raspberry bush most of the time that first year.

Not only could Jisoo smell Jennie fruity shampoo, she could feel the delicate touch of Jennie hand gently on her chest. This was heaven.

Jisoo turned her head while in that place between sleep and waking. Something tickled her nose, causing her head to turn away. She felt a light weight on her leg. What the hell?

One side of Jisoo bod felt something covering it. Her left hand moved over flesh and she couldn't feel it. Her eyes shot open. Cautiously she turned her head to the left. No.

Her body physically jerked at the surprise of finding Jennie wrapped in her arms, snuggled up close, Jennie's leg over one of her with Jennie's head on her chest.

"Shh," Jennie protested, kissing Jisoo's bare shoulder lightly.

"Jennie, what are you doing here?"

Jennie groaned at the thought of waking. "I'm sleeping. Shh,"

Jisoo pulled back slightly. "Jen."

Jennie tilted her head up and groggily opened her eyes. Looking at Jisoo sleepily was having an effect on Jisoo.

Jisoo felt very vulnerable in her boxers and bralette. Especially since another part of her anatomy was waking up at Jennie nearness. And, if her wife moved her leg the slightest bit higher, Jennie was about to find that out for herself.

"Jennie," Jisoo called again when she didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry, Jisoo, you were so restless last night."

"That doesn't explain what you're doing here."

"I think Jinwoo heard you moving around. He was a little restless. After I checked on him, I came in here to see if you were alright."

"Go on."

Jennie felt Jisoo was wound up tight. What she couldn't figure out was why Jisoo was so upset about her being there.

"I think you were having a bad dream or something. I called your name, but you didrn't wake up. So, I climbed in. You calmed down right away."

Jisoo ran her free hand down her face. Was Jennie being here the reason she slept so soundly and peaceful? None of this was making sense.


Jinwoo's call put an end to a potential disagreement.

"Duty calls," Jennie said before pulling away.


Paul had come for an impromptu visit. Checking up on baby sister, no doubt.

Chahee was on her way over to watch Jinwoo while Jennie made her appointment with Doctor Park.

"Oppa?" Jennie called to Paul as they sat in the living room waiting for Chahee to arrive.


"I want to see the car."


"I want to see the car. Something about this new car is stirring things up in my memory. The real car may give me my memories back."

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