Chapter Twenty-Four: The House

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Jisoo came out of the den, fatigue filling her bones. Everything she could come up with for senior housing could not be done within the quotes and specifications Lalisa had provided the senators.

She was beginning to think Lalisa had purposely done this, knowing she couldn't possibly come up with a single thing to meet that challenge.

Jinwoo zipped by flying his toy airplane, Jisoo chuckling at the sight.

"Hi Momma!" Jinwoo greeted before making engine sounds with his mouth and flying away.

The smells of dinner being prepared filled the home. Home. This house was finally a home. Her wife in the kitchen working her magic with spices and other ingredients made it that way now.

Jisoo stood watching her wife, totally unnoticed. Her faded jeans snuggly hugging all her curves. Her pink, long sleeved t-shirt keeping out the chill.

"Mommy, up!" Jinwoo called to Jennie as she stood at the stove.

Jisoo watched Jennie turn and smile at their son. She rest the boy on her hip as her free hand continued cooking.

Jisoo looked to the dining table. Jennie gone back to having candles on the table with dinner. Jinwoo proclaiming his job blowing out the tapers at the end of each meal.

Jinwoo now sat at the table with them. A booster seat taking the place of his high chair, his passage to 'big boyhood'.


Tonight, Jennie had set half the table and left Jisoo's old laptop at the other end.

Curiosity got the better of Jisoo. What was this mysterious woman up to.

"Jisoo!" Jennie's panicked voice called to her when she entered the dining area and saw Jisoo standing and looking at the computer she'd left on the table.

Jennie quickly deposited the salad on the table and went to stand between Jisoo and the screen.

As if a petite woman such as Jennie could get in Jisoo's way.

Jisoo's hands at Jennie's waist, she lifted her and set her off to the side.

"What are you up to Mrs. Kim Jennie?"

"Jisoo, please."

A blush covered Jennie's chubby cheeks as she implored Jisoo to step away from the computer with her eyes.

It intrigued Jisoo. She bent and looked closer. It was then she noticed an old program of her on the screen. One she used when Jisoo's Ark first started to create blueprints.

Jisoo was fascinated at the design before her. She silently sat in the chair, clicking to view different prints.

"Jennie, what is this?" Jisoo's tone more serious.

"It's nothing. Please Jisoo."

"It's not nothing, Jennie. Did you do this?"

"It's really stupid, Jisoo." Jennie tugged on Jisoo's arm to try to get her to stand.

Jisoo wasn't moving.

This nervousness of Jennie was also fascinating. Jisoo's hand reached for her wife wrist and she tugged her forward until she could slip her arm around her waist and set her on her lap.

Once Jennie was seated, though wiggling, Jisoo continued looking. Mouse clicks taking her to different places within the design. Then she looked to the papers beside the computer.

Jennie's hand wasn't fast enough to prevent her from reaching the papers for a closer look. "Jisoo, those are mine. Please."

Jisoo adjusted Jennie in her lap as she sat straighter.

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