Chapter 25

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Hello Everyone :) I'm here today to UPLOAD!! Mmkay so the ending of this chapter is quite crappy cliffhanger but something BIG happens in the next chapter involving the ending so.... Be happy haha well guys thanks for voting and ALL those comments on the last chapter please VOTE AND COMMENT haha Thanks my lovely UNICORNS now read on and LOVE IT!! NEIGHHHHHH OMG I can't believe I just said neigh

Erykah <3

I close my eyes, waiting to hit the ground. Suddenly something grabs me and I open my eyes to see Zayn. He quickly pulls on his parachute, but we're too close to the ground. The parachute whips us around, the wind dragging us until we splash into a lake. I emerge and pull Zayn up with me.

"Oh my god." I gasp, still in shock. "Why didn't you pull on your parachute?!" Zayn exclaims. "It wasn't working!" I tell him, taking the parachute pack off and letting it sink in the water. Zayn slips his off as well and gathers me into a hug. I try to take deep breathes as I bury my head into his neck.

We pull away and I look around. We're near the middle of a small lake, somewhere in the middle of the forest. "Alright Zayn, hold on to me. I'm gonna pull us to the shore." I tell him and he nods. Zayn floats on his back and I paddle us to the grass. I flop down with Zayn next to me and catch my breath.

"So we need to find where the others landed." Zayn states and I nod, standing up. "Let's get started then." I sigh and start walking towards the way I think we came.

*Louis' Point of View*

*Thirty minutes later*

"They've been gone for half an hour! Where could they be?!" Liam exclaims and I shake my head, furrowing my eyebrows. "They landed somewhere over there in the middle of the woods, but they could be anywhere right now." Grace sighs and I straighten up. "We need to go look for them." I announce and everyone agrees. "Some of us should stay here though, so we know where the building is." Bree pipes up and I start thinking. "Okay, Bree, Niall, Athena, and Harry stay here and make sure you have your cell phones on. You have signal right?" I ask them and they all look at their phones before nodding. "Grace, Liam, Erykah, and I will go looking for them. If we find them, we'll call you and make our way back." I command and everyone nods. "Operation Save Zummer is a go." Niall says and we all break into our groups. I take Grace's hand as we stalk off into the forest, Liam and Erykah behind us.

"I guess we better start yelling for them." Erykah suggests and I nod. "Summer! Zayn" I yell out, cupping my hands around my mouth.

*Summer's Point of View*

We have been walking for about thirty minutes now. "Babe do you hear that?" Zayn asks and I shake my head. He stops us and puts his pointer finger to his mouth. I try to listen, I finally hear faint screaming and yelling in the distance. "Do you think it's everybody else?" I ask him and he shrugs. "Well lets yell back." He says and I nod. We start to scream everyone's names. We walk closer to all the screams, "Summer! Zayn!"I hear people yell. I can finally hear them clearly. "Over here!" We both yell, quickening out pace towards the voices. I catch sight of Louis and run at him. Grace appears from behind him, followed by Erykah and Liam. Louis gathers Zayn and I in a hug. "Thank god you're okay!" He breathes out and I nod into his neck. As we pull away I hug Grace and she looks at me worriedly. "Are you hurt? What happened?" She rambles on and I slap her lightly. "Grace, we're fine. My parachute wasn't working, Zayn saved me, we crashed into a lake, and got lost, but we are fine I promise." I tell her and she nods calming down. I hug Liam and Erykah next before we start back towards the rest of the group. Louis called and told them they found us.

"So this was a fun day, eh?" I ask him playfully and he chuckles. "It definitely wasn't boring." He agrees and I let out a light laugh. "Hey Lou Lou what time is it?" I ask Louis and he looks at his phone before answering "Two o'clock." I sigh swinging Zayn and I's hands in-between us. We eventually make our way to the others and they hug Zayn and I, mumbling things like "Thank god your safe."

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