Chapter 9

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I wake up when Zayn shakes me, saying we're home. I look up to him and try to smile but thinking about all the things with Jason just make me want to cry. I shrug off the thoughts. I hop out of the car and immediately go to my room to get ready for tonight. All the girls follow me to my room and we walk into my closet. We're going to get ready and we have extra time so that the boy's can plan our dates. "What am I gonna wear?" Erykah asks worried, looking through my clothes. We all laugh at her and I pat her back. "It's okay Erykah. I have lots and lots of clothes remember?" I tell her while helping her look for an outfit. She laughs at herself and keeps looking. Grace, Athena, and Bree are also rifling through my clothes. "Do you know where he's taking you?" I ask her, walking over to my tops section. "No, but he said to dress casual." she replies looking through my jeans. I pick out a purple sweatshirt with a white tank top and hand them to her saying "It's his favorite color." She nods and takes a pair of white jeans and purple Vans to match. I see Bree and Athena have chosen their outfits. Bree chose a casual blue and white checked dress that made her eyes pop. Niall is taking her on a picnic so she decided to wear flats instead of heels. Harry told Athena to dress fancy so she chose a baby pink dress with a pair of matching heels. She also added a diamond necklace. Louis was taking Grace to the carnival that had just come to town so she dressed casually in a navy Jack Wills hoodie, a matching pair of white shorts, and matching blue TOMS. Then I suddenly realize I have to find my own outfit. Zayn said not to dress too casual or too dressy. I look around my closet and plan the outfit in my head. I chose a white crochet skirt and a matching black lace top. I also choose a pair of black wedges and the rest of the girls and I leave the closet.

Erykah's Outfit:

Bree's Outfit:

Athena's Outfit:

Grace's Outfit:

My (Summer's) Outfit:

I go into the bathroom and get into the shower. To not think about the tweet and Jason I sing in the shower and I Want comes to mind. After showering for a good ten minutes I get out still humming the song. I put on my outfit and smile to myself while looking at my reflection in the mirror. Wow, I look good. If I may say so myself I think, plugging in my curler. After doing my hair and makeup I go to my room and the girls all look at me in awe. I laugh while blushing as they turn back around to finish getting ready themselves. I run to my parent's room before one of the boys can see me. I just need to get away from all the noise. I go to my mom's closet and try to find some jewelry to go with the outfit. I find my mom's necklace that has a single pearl on it. It has been passed down in the family for years and it's beautiful.

I sprint back ot my room and see the girls are done getting ready. I hug all of them and see them looking at me. "Summer you look so good!" Athena squeals, complimenting me. "You all look like hot mamas!" I tell them and we all laugh. Then a head pops in through the doorway and it turns out to be Louis. "What are you waiting for? Bloody Christmas?" Louis smirks and I throw a pillow at him. He tries to duck his head out of the door before it can reach him but the pillow hits his face head on. He falls backward and I roll my eyes while walking over to the door. I open it to see Zayn, Liam, Harry, Niall, and a very surprised Louis. I offer my hand to help him up and he accepts it, standing up and brushing himself off. Then I notice all the boys staring at me and I turn back to the girls blushing.

"Our dates are here!" I tell them with a grin on my face. We walk into the hallway and the girls join their dates. Zayn offers his arm and I loop mine through his as we walk downstairs. We all say good bye to each other and head off on our own dates. Zayn leads me to the car and opens my door for me. I curtsy and get in. He lets out a chuckle and closes the door behind me. He slips into the driver's side and starts the car. "It's a bit of a long drive." He tells me, keeping his eyes on the road and holding my hand. "I don't mind." I reply squeezing his hand and turning to look out of the window. When we reach a red light he turns to me and holds my chin. "You look beautiful tonight, Summer." He says softly and kisses me on the lips. When we pull back I kiss his cheek and whisper "Thank you"

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