"Really? Please tell me mum, how do I usually act then?" I turn my body towards her, ready to hear whatever she manages to pull out of her ass. 

"You- Harry I- you just-" She stutters, clearly caught off guard.

"Exactly" I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Harry, please. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong" Help me? The only way she's even attempted to help me was by forcing me to make a promise that she had no idea how hard it would be to keep. She's never tried to help, she just ignores. In hopes it'll go away.

"Don't worry mum, I'm fine right? I promised right? Everything is fine right?" She sighs softly, understanding what it is that I'm referencing. 

"Harry, that's not fair, okay? You know that is not fair." She explains as we pull into the school parking lot. My silence and refusal to cooperate seems to piss her off.

"You know...ever since your father-" No. Fuck no.

"Don't you bring him up!" I yell "Never bring him up! Alright?" Her eyes widen at my tone of voice. I don't yell at my mum. Hell, I never even argue with her, but she is opening a door that I spent so much time barricading. Promising myself that I'd never open that door again. 

"O-okay, I'm sorry" She rushes out, but I get out of the car before I even allow myself the opportunity to forgive her. 


My first few classes went by pretty smoothly. The same laughs and taunts filled my ears but that's nothing new.

Me and Niall were walking to lunch, him telling me about some football game he was watching last night, me adding in little "ooh's" and "ahh's" when he tells an "interesting" part. I watch him as he slowly piles up the food on his plate, still in awe at the boy's appetite. I grab a peanut butter and jelly and follow Niall to our familiar table. 

"My mum wants to know if you wanted to hang out with me after school" I blurt out as he takes a bite of his second slice of pizza. "I see, does your mom want me to hang out with you, or do you want me to hang out with you?" He teases

"Yes or no, Ni?" I came off a little rude, and I feel a little guilty but Niall doesn't seem to mind. 

"Yeah, sure why not" He shrugs, continuing to eat his pizza. 

I had just taken a bite of my peanut butter and jelly when a familiar brown-haired boy takes a seat next to me

"Did you make that bread yourself, Harry?" Mitch cooly states.

I look down at my sandwich, softly smiling at his stupid joke. "No, that'd be a bit weird, don't you think?" I joke back, making him laugh. A proud smile crossing my face. 

"So listen, I was thinking maybe we could be friends ya know? You're the new kid from god knows where and I'm the somewhat new kid from America, this could be a match made in heaven, don't you think?" I look up at him, and I'm met with a soft, shy smile. 

"I'd like that" I answer, making him beam with pride "Yeah?" he asks, sounding very enthusiastic. 

"Yeah" My smile matching his.

"Well this is great, now you could give me all the free bread in the world" He jokes again, and for the first time today, I laugh.

Me and Mitch continue with our stupid jokes before yet another familiar boy approaches, taking a seat next to Niall. 

"Good afternoon, pretty boy" He lowly states, stealing one of Niall's fries.

"Hi Zayn" Niall's face goes beet red and I suddenly remember that this is the boy who kissed him on Friday night.

You Sunshine, You Temptress (l.s)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ