Fifteen|| Home Honeymoon

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A/N: You guys, things have been so complicated in my life right now, I'm not going to lie.

I've been struggling a lot with my identity and how I've incorporated a lot of my anger and pain into my characters- hence the reason why our lovely, combative Queen Ariel is the way she is.

For the last ten years my Step-father has mistreated my Mom and I, making our home miserable. For almost a year now, they've been going through the process of getting a divorce, but they share my younger sister, and he's not making it easy for any of us.

He's said some things that have damaged me, and completely changed who I am as a person.

I've had my heart broken, my trust shattered, and I've been left really angry and bitter. I shoved all that down deep inside, and it came out in my writing.

I looked back over it and realized that I had disrespected my characters in my portrayal of them, and in turn, disrespecting myself and all of you.

I killed off a character who reminded me of the person I wanted my Step-father to be and destroyed the story line for the rest of the series... And I just struggled.

It's been very hard with this situation and my Uncle dying of cancer to give this book justice, because it's about unity, love, and hope... And I'm not feeling united, loved, or hopeful lately.

But you all have been so patient, and good, and kind.

So I scraped the bottom of the barrel and I'm giving you my best.

This is for you.❤️


I woke up to the smell of bacon drifting through the air, and turned over in bed. The sheets were full of Oliver's and my combined scents, but Oliver was nowhere to be found.

Morning, His voice drifted through my head, soft and loving. Don't move, I'll be there in a second.

I relaxed back in bed, burying myself in the blankets, basking in the scent left from what we had spent most of the night doing.

I felt a happy smile grace my lips, and I felt peace and tranquility soar in me. Despite everything that was raging outside, I was happy, and I was content. I intended to spend at least today letting Oliver and I have that peace before it was taking away by the war.

I heard his footsteps approaching, and I looked up as he pushed open the door. He was carrying two plates of waffles in his hand, and I immediately thanked the Moon Goddess. This man made me waffles.

I bit my lip as I let my eyes take him in. He was shirtless, in his sweatpants, and his brown hair was messy on his head. He looked like heaven had come down to Earth... just to give me waffles.

I sat up and he walked over, a sweet smile on his face. He set down the plates on the bedside table and slowly pushed me back onto the bed, hovering over me with one knee on the bed between my legs.

"Morning," he murmured, staring deeply into my eyes. I smiled.

"Morning." he captured my lips in a leg wobbling kiss, grasping my chin gently in his hand, his other hand used to prop himself up on the bed.

"I made you breakfast," he said, kissing down my neck.

"I see that. Waffles. That's better than sex," I teased, and he grinned.

"Is it?" he ran a single finger down my thigh, and I bit my lip, trying hard to suppress a shudder.

"Maybe you'll have to show me again so I can decide," I breathed, feeling giddy inside. He smirked slightly.

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