Please Understand...

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Hello my lovelies!

How was that one? I've been trying to find a greeting to patent haha.

Now that the jokes are out of the way, I have something serious to talk to you guys about. I know a lot of you are serious fans of this series.

And I know a lot of you are wondering when you're going to get another chapter. When the book is going to be finished, when the series will be completed.

I've tried to keep things private, but I feel like I should open up to you guys so you can understand all of the moving parts of this situation.

A while ago, it was brought to my attention that my work resembled The Bond Series a little too much. I didn't think anything of it, since, you know, it's werewolves and vampires. It's soulmates. It's the same genre, things are going to be able to be compared.

But it got me paranoid. I started pouring through my work, ensuring that nothing I had written- especially nothing I had released- was unintentionally copying Keylee Hargis' work. She's a role model of mine. Her series is what gave me the inspiration to release a silly, badly thought out story from a fourteen year old obsessed with the fictional possibilities of the paranormal out into the world.

I would never want to violate a fellow author like that, ESPECIALLY not Keylee.

In the process of doing that, I discovered what most would. I'm a perfectionist, and I made the mistake of getting caught up in the excitement and releasing the first few chapters of the War Moon before I was ready to complete my work.

There were too many plot holes, the writing style was sloppy, the characters were contradictory. In my effort to show that characters have flaws just like people- the constant, borderline unhealthy fighting between Ariel and Tristan, for example- I had made them unlikable to too many people. To myself, even.

That was the point, but I'd taken it too far.

And then, my personal life fell apart. I was in an emotional state where I thought I could put it aside and focus on my books, separating my feelings from my job- doing you all justice. I couldn't. I ruined everything. And so I had to re-write again.

And then, something worse happened.

Some people decided to target me. Push me to the breaking point with their cruel words to the point where I almost took everything down and gave up on this story.

But I got myself back up again, and I started writing again. Fixing it, perfecting it, making it- hopefully- Oscar worthy.

But something has happened recently that I can't push aside, I can't ignore, and I can't move past from. Yet.

Someone from my personal life, from my past, has re-entered my life through these books. Someone I was hiding from. Someone who is a threat to the safety and mental wellbeing of myself and the people I love.

I built this site around an alias, hoping that it would protect me from the person I was hiding from, but it wasn't enough.

And until I'm sure that I can continue to post on this site without risking the wellbeing of myself and my loved ones, unfortunately, you guys are going to have to wait a little longer.

Rest assured, I'll still be writing. But I won't be posting. Not until I know that this adventure I've started us on won't put my family and I at risk.

So I need you to be patient. And not to forget about me. I'm still here.

Just... waiting in the shadows, for the time being.

(Did you get that reference?)

My life is not in danger. But my safety, my mental wellbeing, the stability of my home, that is. 

And I know my readers. You're good, kind, understanding. You appeal to these characters because they represent something in you, whether the worst parts of yourself you can come to accept or the best parts of yourself you can help thrive.

I know you won't hate me for putting the safety of my family ahead of anything else.

But I also know that I owed you answers, with the complete and full truth.

I'm sure everything will turn out just fine, and Rebecca and Oliver will come back with a vengeance that will have you crying like the Supernatural Finale episode.

But for right now, my dudes, this is where we're at.

How about 'my dudes'? How does that one sound? I think I like that one. Channels a little bit of Argyle from Stranger Things.

To be honest, I could use some Purple Palm Tree Delight right now. Because I just got schmacked pretty hard, emotionally speaking.

Thank you for your patience, your support, and your constant love.

But for right now, the account of ReneeJett and all of its assets are frozen.

Until next time, my dudes.

Definitely sticking with that one.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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