Ten|| Heal

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A knock startled me awake, and I shifted, my feet falling to the floor. They'd been propped up on Oliver's hospital bed. I'd passed out in the chair next to him.

He'd been comatose for two days now.

I looked up, blinking to get rid of the blurriness in my eyes. It was Kent. He smiled, his dark eyes sad, but hopeful.

"I brought the kids. They wanted to see him."

"That's not a safe-"

"Jack threatened to teleport himself here on his own if we didn't bring them." Kent said, nodding. He knew it wasn't safe to bring them all the way to Montana. But he didn't have a choice.

I sighed. "Of course he did." I muttered, shaking my head. My eyes landed on Oliver. The machines weren't breathing for him anymore. Emily had been right. As soon as I had come in, he'd improved. "Bring them in," I said with a wave.

Jack came in, a guilty expression on his face. His brown hair was curled at the top, and his hazel eyes were downcast. "I really wanted to see him," he muttered.

"Come here," I said, opening my arms. He walked over to me and I hugged him, holding him in my embrace.

"How is he?" I looked up to see Daisy and Hazel standing in the doorway. Their eyes were on Oliver. Jack sniffled, pulling away from me and slowly walking over to Oliver. He took one of Oliver's large hands in his small ones and sat down, staring at him.

Daisy was carrying a gift bag, and Hazel held a red balloon in her hands.

Daisy went on the opposite side of Oliver's bed, taking his other hand. Hazel came over and sat next to me, laying her head on my shoulder.

"He'll be okay," I said, putting an arm around Hazel and my other around Jack. "He's been getting better every day. Sarah says he'll wake up soon."

"Has Ariel come by?" Kent asked, and the twins looked up at me. They were wondering if their Queen had been here to see their surrogate father.

"Phoebe has," I said with a nod. "But unfortunately some... bad things have been happening that Ariel has to take care of. She said she'd visit whenever she could, and she called. But Ariel's trying to make sure that the world is a little better when Oliver wakes up." I said hesitantly, trying to find the right words.

A lot of bad things had been happening. The facility explosion had nearly killed that entire team. But Daisy and Jack didn't need to know everything. I had to shield them from as much as I could, safely.

It's what Oliver would have wanted, if he were awake.

"We can't stay long, guys," Kent reminded them quietly. They all nodded.

"I painted him a picture," Daisy said, pulling a small canvas out of the gift bag she'd carried in. It was a beautiful painting of a full moon with the silhouette of a wolf howling up at it. Daisy was extremely gifted at art.

"It's beautiful. He'll love it." I said with a nod.

"We got him chocolate for when he wakes up," Jack added, and Daisy pulled out the large Kit Kat bar. "He loves chocolate."

"And the balloon," Hazel gestured to the balloon, tying it to the hospital chair.

"Some really good gifts, guys. He'll love them. He'll wake up soon." I assured them.


"How's Jared doing?" I asked Kent. We stood outside Oliver's hospital room while the kids watched t.v and sat with him inside.

Jared had taken over for me while I'd stayed with Oliver, but he'd constantly called me with updates.

"He's doing okay," Kent said, nodding, He crossed his arms over his chest. "The people are frightened. The pack was attacked, and their Alpha was injured, and their other Alpha hasn't returned since. You'll need to address them when you return." he said.

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