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A/N: i hope everyone is staying safe! I also decided to change Harry's age from twenty-three to twenty-five.

holy shit!

Harry fucking Styles, what the fuck is he doing here?!!

Ashton looks down at me and I point to the cash register. He quickly understands and takes over for me "What can I get for you today sir?" Ashton says politely

"Olivia" Harry says smoothly "She's going to take my order"

What the actual fuck, I thought

Ash looks down at me and gestures with his head making me groan. Getting up from the ground I face Harry, his all black usual Armani suit on, but this time with a grey tie. Perfectly fit as always.

I clear my throat "What can i get for you?" I look into his green eyes

Ashton nudges my arm, reminding me of the policies

"Sir" I add

Harry gives me a smirk and says "Coffee. Black" Ashton leaves us alone to go make Harry's drink. Dammit

I nod my head "Will that complete your order?"

"No" Of course not. He always wants more

"What else can I get for you then?" I give him a fake smile

"You" He smiles back at me

I choke on my saliva "W—What?" Ashton comes back around and pats me on the back

"Are you okay Olive?" He whispers his arm still around me. I quickly nod and look back at lucifer himself.

Harry's eyes travel down to Ashton's arm around me and he immediately glares at him. "I said a croissant, and where's that coffee" He squints at looking at Ashton's name tag "Asher"

Okay now he did that on purpose "It's Ashton, but coming right up" Ash mutters

"Okay that'll be $7.20" Harry pulls out a black American Express credit card.

He would own one of those.

"When are you done?" He simply asks taking his credit card back.

"I don't know and frankly if I did i wouldn't tell you"

Ashton hands me his order and I give it to Harry with a fake smile "Have a nice day sir"

Harry just nods and gives me a devilish smile "I'll see you later Liv" He takes a drink from his coffee before leaving a twenty dollar tip in the jar.

"Dude that man just left twenty dollars! People rarely leave tips. Do you know that guy?" Ashton asks an astonished look on his face.

I scratch the back of my neck not knowing what to say when people ask me how I know Harry. I can't just say oh yeah that's my daddy— Oops I mean Mr. Styles, my dad's colleague!

"Yeah, he used to... baby sit me when i was young" I nod hoping he believes my lie

"How nice of him!" If only you knew

* * *

4: 45 PM

The boys were right, the café pretty much died down after four. The only people coming to the shop are sweet old people getting pastries or coffee. So we've been pretty much playing video games for the past twenty minutes.

I look over to my right to see Luke's head propped on Michael's shoulder as he plays with Ashton. Seriously how oblivious can Mikey be, i'll literally write a whole Muke fanfic if i have to. Calum passed out ten minutes ago claiming he was 'tired'

"Noo!" Mikey exclaims startling Luke who seemed to be in LaLaLand "You fucking cheated!"

"Don't swear!" Me and Luke laugh watching both boys argue.

"I'm done playing" Mikey buries his head in Luke's neck, and I wiggle my eyebrows at Luke's flushed face "Well we closed fifteen minutes ago, and I really want to shower and pamper myself, because I feel like I smell like sweat" I say getting up and stretching.

"Oh come with me" Ashton goes to the counter picking up the tip jar "Usually at the end of the shift we divide the amount of money by the people working"  (wait i really hope that made sense like my brain is going five mph.) "Here you go" Ash ironically hands me the twenty dollars that Harry put in earlier.

"Thank you" I smile excitedly "I should get going, do I come back tomorrow?"

"No, you're scheduled for Wednesday, so you're good"

"Hey do you think the shops down the street are still open?" There's a Lush store a few stores down across the street, and i'm not missing that opportunity to bath bombs.

"Yeah they usually close at seven"

"Okay, I should go then" I hug him and the rest of the boys (including Calum, who i had to wake up)

With one last wave I exit the café and start my journey to Lush.

"Miss Avery" I hear someone yell from behind me. Turning around i'm met with Max. What is he doing here?

"Hello Max, shopping?" I ask casually but he shakes his head "I'm here to pick you up, orders from Mr. Styles to take you to his home"

"No" I quickly say standing my ground, I will not fall for anymore of his games. I am going to go to Lush then home. Not to Harry's.

"He told me you were going to say that, so he asked me to bribe you with food" Max says calmly but I gasp. How dare he bribe me with food, he knows i'll say yes.

"Any food that I want?" I quirk a brow and he nods

"Okay!" I follow Max to the car and he opens the door for me like always, completely forgetting about the Lush store. When he gets to the drivers seat he quickly locks the doors.

"Can we go to Shake shack please" I say happily, I've been craving their shakes ever since i came from Vegas.

Max nods and starts to drive.


After about twenty minutes of driving I realized we haven't stopped "I thought we were going to shake shack?" I ask him from the backseat

"Mr. Styles said to take you to his house after getting you in the car" He shrugs

"What?! So we're not getting food and you lied to me? That's basically kidnapping!" That asshole is going to get a piece of my mind when i see him. How dare he lie to me about getting food and making Max kidnap me.

"Sorry Miss, i'm just following orders"


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 25K+ VIEWS AND 500+ VOTES <3. soooo... it's been a month.. hi. this chapter is trash and is all over the place but maybe something happens in the next one? who knows. (PLEASE VOTE!) cya later <3

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