(F) Aurora Neworth

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Aurora Jane Neworth


Rory, Arie, Aura.


Five years old




She is five soo... Though when she is older she discovers that lesbian.


Rory tens to be overly excited and cheerful at times, always looking at the happy side. Can be annoying and very stubborn.


Drawing, making friends, balloons, dresses, challenging herself and other people, the rain, bright colours.


People treating her like a child, not getting her way, people telling her what to do, seafood, being alone and her family being upset with her.

Face claim

Mckenna Grace

Mckenna Grace

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Rory is happy and cheerful, the public adores her as does her family.

Background story:

Rory grow up in royalty, everyone adores her both because of her charm and personality. Rory never understood why her father wasn't a father, he never spent any time with her and it made her sad. Rory had her first crush on a girl when she was seven, her half-brother Eric Grey, told her that her feelings are beauitful but not everyone will understand and accept them, so for her safety she cant tell anyone.


The King, Queen Jane, Princess Penelope, Prince Nathaniel, Eric Grey, Princess Catharine & her cousin Lady February.


Only child to the king's second wife.

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