(F) Fleur Bouchard

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"I may not have a mask and superpowers but I can still kick some akuma arse."


Fleur Persephone Bouchard


My flower (father) Percy and Posie (brothers) Mija (mother)


Sixteen years old




Bisexual with a female lean

Love Interests:

Fleur had a crush on Alya but when Alya started dating Nino she started crushing on Luka instead. Fleur also has a huge celebrity crush on Ladybug, Fleur has deep hidden feeling for Chloé that she will probably never admit.

Endgame either Luka, Chloé or your oc.

Or my oc Grace Mercier.


Reading people, socialising, christma, flirting and understanding peoples feelings and emotions, she's a great listener.

Fleur can also cook, clean, sew and take care of her younger brothers, she is well adapt to handling responsibility.


Helping people, her brothers, talking to people, flirting, Alix, Kim, Ivan and Mylene.


Mean people, her brothers and father being sad, people pitying her, avocado and birds.

She has mixed feelings about Chloé, you see Dott was close friend with Andre, so Chloé and Fleur knew eachother as kids but Chloé growing up in a rich family and Fleur not, there was a divide between them.

Face Claim:

Victoria Moroles

Victoria Moroles

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Fleur is outgoing and intelligent, she's not exactly booksmart but she is very socially aware and people smart. Fleur wants to help, she always just wants to help, so when her brother gets akumatized that's exactly what she does. She is very bubbly.

Background Story:

Fleur's mother is dead, she died two years ago and ever since Fleur has had to help her father with her younger brothers Evan and Georgie.

In my applyfic Miraculous the Musical, Fleur got pregnant at seventeen, the baby daddy left the second he found out. When she was twenty five she married her best friend named Grace Mercier.


Her father's name is Phillipé, her mother's name was Dott which is short for Dorothea.

Evan is ten, he is a shy, kind and well mannered young boy while Georgie (who is seven) is a huge trouble maker and prankster. Fleur loves Evan and Georgie equally but finds herself always spending more time with Georgie while getting along better with Evan.

In my applyfic she has a daughter named Dorothea 'dott' Philippa Bouchard.


She is half hispanic on her mother's side and is very proud that she is apart of the latina community.

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