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Y/N = Your Name
L/N= Last Name


Yet again, I was in a dark room. Chairs lined the walls, all of them empty. A door was placed at the farthest wall from me, a door each of my friends had disappeared through to be interrogated. Daniel had been shot and killed three days ago. Three days of tears followed by sleepless nights. I've been miserable. Every bit of me hoped that it was finally over, that the murder had finally gone. I should've known better. He wont leave, not until he gets what he wants: me. I was so stupid to think that I could be with Daniel and not suffer the consequences.

With every murder a piece of my soul was torn away. If it is his goal to make me as soulless creature, then he is definitely succeeding. I know who it is, and I know what he wants. He is an evil human being who hurt me in my past and has come back to hurt me now. Well I wont let him. I'm done grieving. I am angry. I'm angry that I have let this go on for this long. I am angry that I have allowed him to hurt me and haunt me all this time. I am angry that I allowed my friends to be hurt by him. I am sick and tired of it all. It will end today. He is done hurting people who never did anything wrong. I will end this once and for all.

"Y/N L/N," called the same guard from all the other interrogations. I learned his name is Joe, and since the first time we met, he has shaved his grey beard. His head is still bald though, and he's maintained his intimidating stature.

He leads me into the same room from the first ever interrogation, the room from after Garroth's death. A lump grows in my throat as all the memories from my first time here come rushing back. It's ironic, the place where this case started is the same place it will end. This notion gives me the courage to swallow said lump and march in confidently.

Malachi sits in one of the chairs at the table in the center of the room. I swiftly take a seat in the empty chair across from him, folding my arms on the table in front of me. He stares at me with pity in his eyes, a pity that I despise. I don't want to be pitied. I want him to see the strength and confidence that now controls me. I want him to look at me with pride as I end this once and for all.

"I assume you know how this goes by now," He says with a sad sigh.

His sadness sickens me. He doesn't have to be sad for long. I am going to end this. It will all be over and they can all go back to being happy. His next sigh wont be of sadness, but of relief.

I hold my hands out in front of me, palms facing up. "Arrest me."

His sadness and pity immediately turn to confusion and shock. "What?"

"I said arrest me," I repeat, holding my hands closer to him, ready to be shackled.

"And why would I do that?" Malachi asks, having recovered from his surprise.

"Because I am the cause of all this," I reply nonchalantly.

"But Y/N, you're not-"

"Yes I am. Everyone began dying when I came here. All the people that have died got very close to me first," I retort, cutting him off.

"But that's just not true. Garroth had only known you for three days, you barely ever talked to Aaron, and Dante hadn't had much contact with you before he died," Malachi protests.

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong! Garroth and I shared a kiss during a party game, Aaron confessed to having a tiny crush on me during the Fourth of July party, and Dante and I had a few very intimate moments after Garroth's death, one of those moments involving a kiss. Zenix was my boyfriend for well over a month, and Daniel and I had been going out for about a week. Don't you see, the murderer kills everyone that I am romantically involved with!"

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