
175 9 11

Key yo!

Y/N= Your Name
E/C= Eye Color
B/D= Bright or Dark
F/C= Favorite Color
S/HS= Simple Hairstyle
F/M/G= Favorite Music Genre

It's been a week since Garroth's funeral and nobody has spoken to each other since. Heck, no ones really talked since he was found dead. I haven't left my house in a week and my food supply is running low. I decide today I'm going to go out into the world, and go shopping. I put on a F/C T-shirt with some black leggings. I brush my hair out and put it into a S/HS. I grab my phone and purse, throw on some black converse, and leave.

I walk out into the bright sun and out my hand over my eyes in an attempt to shield them. It's been forever since I've seen daylight. I've had the blinds closed all week. I let out an exasperated sigh and start walking to my car. I'm about to get in when I hear my name called. I turn and see my blue haired friend, Dante.

"Oh, hey Dante!" I call, my voice hoarse from not being used in a week.

"Where're you going?" He asks as he comes up next to me.

"The grocery store," I say, "I'm out of food."

"So are Travis and I. That's actually where I'm headed now!" Dante says in a lighthearted tone.

"W-wanna go together?" I mumble.


We get in my car and start driving. I turn on the F/M/G station to fill the silence. About halfway there, Dante speaks.

"So... How've you been holding up?" I turn the radio down and turn to him.

"What do you mean?" I ask, even though I knew exactly what he meant.

"Garroth... I know you didn't know him that long. But your new to the neighborhood, and knowing that your next door neighbor was murdered just over a week ago must put you on edge," he explains, his tone and mood changing from contentment to sadness.

"W-we'll, I've been okay I guess. Haven't left my house in a week," I say with an airy laugh. The rest of the ride was silent.


We arrive back at my place and unload all my groceries. Dante leaves his stuff in my car. He's gonna stay and hang for a bit and will take his stuff when he leaves. I set all my bags on the counter in the kitchen. Dante stands in the doorway watching me. I give him a small smile, which he doesn't return causing me to frown.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I just miss Garroth," he sighs. I look into his big blue eyes which are filled with tears waiting to be spilled. I wrap my arms around his torso, engulfing him in a hug. He hesitantly hugs back as he begins to sob into my messy hair.

He eventually pulls away and we go sit on my couch. He wipes his tears and lets out a loud sigh. "I'm so sorry for breaking down Y/N!" he sobs.

"I understand, even though I didn't know him very long, I still cry over Garroth at random," I say giving him another small hug.

"He was one of my best friends! I had known him since highschool and we lived together for three years!" He sobs. I rub his back soothingly as he continues to cry.

He sniffles one last time and turns to me. "Thank you Y/N, your a good friend and I know Garroth would've been one to you too," he says giving me a loving smile.

I blush a bit, but I don't know why. I look into Dante's dark blue eyes as he gazes back into my L/D E/C ones. He begins to lean in and I do too. I close my eyes as our lips meet forming a soft kiss. When we pull away, I smile and open my eyes to see he is too.

"I-I should go..." he says with a nervous laugh, a smile still plastered on his face. I feel my face heat up slightly as I nod.

"I'll see you around!" I call as he leaves. As soon as the door closes, I sigh. What was that?


???'s POV
I was walking by Y/N's house, in my way home from work. I glance in the window wondering what she's up to. I haven't seem her leave her house all week. I assume she's still upset after Garroth's death. But what I see mortifies me. She is kissing the blue haired freak, Dante. Anger boils in my blood.

"Dante your dead!" I grumble under my breath. I walk back to my house, planning ways to end his life.

They will learn that she's mine.


Oof! Wacky here! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. A little Y/N x Dante for y'all. Take a guess who'll die next! Wacky AWAY! *flies out Magic's window*

Word Count: 841

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