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A/N: Key children!!

(Y/N) = Your Name
(E/C) = Eye Color
(H/L) = Hair Length
(H/C) = Hair Color

I woke up the next morning to the sun rays blazing through my windows... and the sound of someone murdering my f**king doorbell. I sat up and stretched, ignoring the repetitive ear deafening sound. "OH MY IRENE, I'LL BE THERE SOON!!" I yelled despite knowing the f**ker couldn't hear me. I got off my very comfortable bed and walked out my room, making my way towards the stairs. When I finally got down to the door, I swung it open with an hard and angry force.

"WHAT DO YOU WA-" I stopped yelling midsentence when I saw a streak of blonde on the ground. I felt a guilty lump grow within my stomach as I brought my gaze towards the blond man was sitting and rubbing his nose. My suspicion's were right, it was Garroth. "OH MY IRENE, GARROTH ARE YOU OK!! IM SO SORRY!!" I apologized with a bit of a cry. I walked over and started bending down to meet him at his side.

"I-I'm fine, I deserved that" he said, continuing to massage his nose.

I was desperately trying to help him when I couldn't help but here the sound of laughter. I brought my gaze up from Garroth and to the brunette was currently rolling around in the grass laughing his butt off.

"Laurance!! Get over here and help your best friend!!" I shouted at the male.

Laurance stopped laughing and sat up, wiping a stray tear from his eye. "Sorry, Sorry!! That was just too good" he responded, standing up. He walked over to us and knelt down next to Garroth. "Hang in there buddy, you tried your best" he sighed, giving Garroth a pat on the shoulder.

"Tried my a**, you dared me to ring that doorbell persistently!!" Garroth exclaimed, sending Laurance a cold glare.

"Well, I needed something funny in the morning and miss (Y/N) delivered me just what I needed" Laurance responded, sending me a smile.

I only rolled my eyes and huffed. "Laurance, pick up Garroth and take him inside please. I need to get some ice to give him for his nose" I said, standing up. Laurance gave me a small wink before I went inside.

Garroth POV
Once (Y/N) was far enough inside I shot Laurance another glare. "A**hole, you made a fool of me in front of (Y/N)" I yelled at him.

"So big deal, Garroth we've literally known her for a day, not to mention we also helped her!! I doubt you acting like a lunatic would change her opinion on you"

Laurance paused for a moment, as an playful smirk I had always hated grew across his face. "Wait, don't tell me, is Prince Garroth in love with the new lovely maiden of the neighborhood?" Laurance asked me with a bunch of exaggeration.

I felt my cheeks slightly heat up. What does he mean by love (Y/N)? I mean we only just met yesterday, there's no way I can be in love with her!! She's just cute and friendly, I just wouldn't want to lose her friendship over something stupid.

"Yeah right drama king, (Y/N) is just cute and friendly!! I wouldn't want to lose her friendship over something stupid you made me do!!" I responded.

"But you say she cute huh?" Laurance further pushed with a teasing tone.

I felt my face grow even hotter. "LAURANCE CAN WE JUST DROP THIS SUBJECT" I yelled defensively.

Laurance stared at me wide eyed for a moments before breaking out into a small chuckle, "Relax Garroth I was only messing you, I know stuff like love at first sight doesn't exist."

I let out a sigh of relief once those words left his mouth. "Thank goodness" I mumbled.

We stood there in silence for a few more minutes before surprisingly Laurance picked me up. "Well then prince Garroth shall we head back inside to the lovely princess (Y/N)" Laurance teased me again with a smirk.

I shot him a cold glare. "Laurance, say anything like that again and I'll cut your head off!" I said with the best threatening tone I could.

Laurance's eyes widened once more. "Woah chill!! I was just joking!" he exclaimed.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Whatever."


Once we finally came inside (Y/N) was standing there waiting for us, an ice pack in her hand, anger burned within her (E/C) eye's as she stared at us. "What took you guys so long? Were you making out outside my door or something?" she asked, a tiny smirk growing across her face.

Before I could answer, Laurance stepped in. "No, even if I wanted to make out with Garroth I wouldn't do it somewhere as lame as your doorstep," Laurance replied setting me down on the couch.

(Y/N) shot him a glare before handing me the ice pack in her hand. "Here this should help your nose, again I am so sorry about earlier" she said, apologizing once again.

I shook my head. "You have nothing to be sorry for, your not at fault for this!! It was me being stupid and accepting a dare from him" I shot Laurance another glare and of course he looked off to the side as if he was innocent.

(Y/N) sighed, "Thank goodness."

She then took her glances between both Laurance and I. "By the way, why were you two coming to my house?" She asked.

Laurance and I both exchanged glances. "Well, we wanted to show you around the neighborhood," we answered in sync.

(Y/N) was silent for a moment. "You know that actually sounds like fun!!" she exclaimed, happiness radiating from her person.

"Alright you two, go wait outside, I'll meet you out there" she said as she suddenly headed for the stairs.

"Why do we need to go outside?" Laurance asked.

The (H/L) (H/C) haired female sighed. "Because I need to change out of the pajama's and you two can't be in the house while I am" she explained, which sent me to realize just then she was indeed still in her pajama's.

Laurance only smirked, "I still don't see why we need to get out of the house."

I shot him a glare for what felt like the millionth time.

"Oh my Irene, Laurance come on!! Lets go, we're leaving" I said getting up and dragging him out the door by his arm.

This chapter was written by Magic! I hope you enjoyed! Until next time, Wacky AWAY! *flies out Magic's window*

Word Count: 1107

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