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Key 😈

Y/N= Your Name

Without hesitation I flung the car door open and jumped out. I sprinted to the door and threw it open. My heart raced as I ran into the house. I see two dark figures. One had a knife and was creeping up behind the other. The armed man lifted his knife and whispered, "Y/N is mine!"

"ZENIX!" I screeched in fear.

Zenix turned around as the murder swung. Zenix dodged the knife and punched the knife guy. In his dazed moment, I ran up and pushed him to the ground. Zenix grabbed my hand and pulled me out the back door. We sprinted across the back yard hand in hand. I heard footsteps behind us and it only made me go faster.

Zenix pulled me into the forest that was behind his house. The footsteps grew louder as we ran. I could barely breath. The only thing that kept me going was the fear of death. Zenix didn't slow, and didn't let go of my hand. I could feel my arms and legs get caught and scratched on the brambles that were scattered throughout the woods. Zenix pulled me through it all. The footsteps then began to get quieter and eventually stopped. But we still ran. Zenix began to veer left and pulled us out of the forest.

We ran down the sidewalk hand in hand. My heart was beating so fast. I couldn't breathe and my vision was becoming blurry. At some point Zenix took a left turn. I began to hear sounds that told me we were in the town central. Zenix finally began to slow until we were walking. I began to cry. He was still holding my hand as we walked. He opened a door and next thing I know, we're in the police station.

Zenix dropped my hand and rushed to the front counter. I followed behind shakily. "I live on Mystreet Lovers Lane, the place where the murders have been happening, and-" he says rapidly to the lady at the desk.

She cuts him off by putting her hand up and rushing to the back of the building. Zenix was tapping his foot rapidly and I can see the sweat stains on the back of his shirt. We just survived an attempted murder. We came face to face with the murder. And what he said... My breathing quickened again. I slowly lowered myself to the ground and rocked back and fourth. Zenix looked at me and dropped down to my level. I began to sob and dug my face into his shirt.

I low cough brought our attention back up. A new officer was standing behind the desk. "Is she OK?" he asked.

"Just a little shaken," Zenix answered for me.

"OK, then follow me," he said.

Zenix and I stood up, Zenix wrapped his arm round me and pulled me close to him. We followed the officer to a back room. There was a long couch and a chair. Zenix and I sat on the couch and the officer on the chair. There was a mirror on the far wall so I knew people were listening in.

"Tell me what happened."

"Y/N and I were just coming back from dinner. She dropped me off at my house. I went to unlock the door, but it wasn't locked. I assumed my roommate just forgot to lock it, so I went in. All the lights were out, which is understandable since it was pretty late. But I couldn't help but feel like something was off. Then I heard someone whisper 'Y/N is mine' followed by Y/N shouting my name. I turned around and someone was behind me holding a knife. He swung, but I managed to dodge it, punching him in the process. Y/N pushed him to the ground and we ran."

I felt a hot tear fall on my head, which I had laid on Zenix's chest. I glance up and saw Zenix was quietly crying. I reached for his hand and squeezed it. He squeezed mine back.

"Did you, by chance, get a good look at your attacker?" The officer asked.

"I didn't, it was too dark." Zenix answered with a sad shake if his head.

The officer turned to me. "It's my ex!" I choke out. They both look at me confused. "My ex boyfriend. He's found me and now he's murdering all my friends!" I cry.

"You saw him?" The office asked. "No, but I heard him. I'd recognize that sick voice anywhere!" I sob.

The officer murmurs something into his walkie talkie. "Can you describe what he looks like?" The officer asks. "Well, I haven't seen him in almost seven years... but he has green eyes. And he had red hair... that could've changed though," I say through tears.

"What's his name?" The officer asks.

"His name..." I break down. I can't bear say his name. It's like Voldemort's name, I fear it.

"It's OK, the description is good enough." The officer says. He leaves the room.

Zenix pulls me closer to him. "I'm sorry you had to go through that," He whispers.

I let out a shaky sigh and look up at him. His cheeks were stained with dried tears, and he had a soft smile plastered on his face. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. He kissed me back, softly but passionately. We pulled apart, tears streaming down my face.

"That bad, huh?" He asked with a teasing smirk. I let out a small giggle, shaking my head. He kisses me again and when we pull away, I lay my head on his chest.

"Y/N?" Zenix starts, making me look up at him. He's got a nervous look in his eye. "This whole experience made me realize how much I've come to care for you. I'd hate to loose you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I draw in a sharp, fearful breath. Memories of my ex flooding my brain. My breathing increases rapidly as I enter another panic attack.

"If you don't feel the same way, you could just say no," Zenix says aggressively.

"No, Zenix, it's not that," I whisper, still breathing rapidly. "It's just... The ex that I was talking about. He was my first and only boyfriend, and he abused me. I'm afraid."

Zenix pulls me into a tight hug. "I'd never do that. I'll protect you," he whispers.

I press my lips to his. "Yes," I whisper, a small smile forming on my face.


???'s POV
I lay in my bed and stare at my sealing. I was almost caught today. I'm pretty sure she's onto me. She knows it's me. But she doesn't know who I am. I'm gonna have to lay low for a while, let everyone cool off. Zenix will die, I'm just gonna have to wait. Y/N will be mine.

Hahaha! Bet y'all had a heart attack today! Zenix lives another day! And Y/N is now dating him. Let's see how long that lasts 😈! Also, who do you think the killer is? Is it her ex? I wanna hear what you think! Until next time, WackyWolf AWAY! *flies out Magic's window*

Word Count: 1209

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