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A/N: Key BOI!

Y/N= Your Name
H/C= Hair Color
H/S= Hair Style
F/Fr= Favorite Fruit
M/G= Music Genera

"Y/N! WAKE UP!" shouted a familiar, calm and soothing voice. I shrieked, leaping up and out of bed, grabbing the nearest thing to use as a weapon- which happened to be a tissue box.

"LUCINDA!" I yelled as she laughed at my reaction. "WHAT!? HOW'D YOU GET INTO MY HOUSE!"

"Honey, I'm a Witch. I can do many things!" she said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Well then what are you doing here?" I asked, setting my tissue box back in its rightful place on my bedside table.

"I'm here to wake you up! It's already noon, and it's Fourth of July! We got a party to set up for!" She answers in a motherly tone.

"They just woke you up too, didn't they?" I grumbled.

"Yep," she sighed before continuing. "Either way, you gotta get up."

"Fine, fine! But get out of my house!"

Lucinda then disappeared with a loud CRACK. I let out a sigh and walked over to my closet. I dived into my mess of clothes and came out wearing a white crop top with blue jean shorts bedazzled at the front. I tied an American flag bandana into my H/C hair which was H/S. I put on a red rope bracelet and skipped to the bathroom to do my makeup. Once done, I slid down stairs and put on a pair of red converse. I grabbed my sunglasses and went outside to see people setting up tables, grills, fireworks, and games.

"Look who's finally up!" I heard Laurance call.

I rolled my eyes in response as I walked over to where everyone was. I noticed some F/Fr sitting on the table and happily grabbed some.

"Hey! That's for the party!" Katelyn shouted, slapping my hand away from grabbing more.

"But I'm hungry!" I whined.

"Should have woken up earlier!" Laurance said with an evil smirk. I glared at him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Heeeyyyyy, Y/N" said Travis flirtatiously as he walked over to join our little group.

"Travis, don't even start flirting with Y/N!" Katelyn growled.

"Why? You jealous Katelyn?~" Travis responds with a small smirk.

"W-What! No! I'm just saying, I don't think Y/N would appreciate it!" Katelyn says defensively.

"Actually, I don't mind," I shrug.

"WHAT!" Katelyn, Travis, and Laurance all say in unison. I just shrugged before grabbing another F/Fr- Katelyn glared at me.

After a little while, Aphmau, Aaron and Alina came out, each carrying something. Aph had some sort of salad, Alina had marshmallows, crackers, and chocolates, and Aaron was carrying a portable fire pit.

"Where's Zane?" Garroth, who had arrived a few minutes before bearing hotdogs and burgers, asked.

"Cleaning the marshmallow sticks," Aaron answers as he sets the fire pit down near a group of chairs. As if on cue, Zane comes out carrying a dozen metal sticks.

Lucinda used her Magicks to play some M/G music, my favorite genera. Garroth turned on the grill and started making burgers and hotdogs. Kawaii~Chan and I chased Alina around the block along with Celestia, Aph's dog. Gene and his crew eventually came out bearing water balloons. Let's just say, I wish my shirt wasn't white.

"Alina! Dinner!" Aphmau called to her daughter, who excitedly ran over. I sat down next to Zane and ate a (hotdog or hamburger).

"Your the girl with a potty mouth!" Zane growled, turning to me.

"Excuse me!" I hiss, taken aback.

"Some of your first words to me where, 'movers f***** up my layout" he says smoothly, putting finger quotes around my words.

"Yeah, but that doesn't make me a potty mouth!" I shoot back.

"Oh yeah, then what does it make you?"

"A girl who was VERY pissed off and is about to be pissed off again now!" I say, my voice raising slightly. Zane doesn't say anything more and I continue to eat.

"CAKE TIME!" Kawaii~Chan calls a few minutes later. Alina runs up to her excitedly. Everyone's enjoying cake as the sun sets.

"Alina, you have a few more minutes after cake until bedtime!" Aphmau informs. Alina lets out an annoyed groan, and starts to eat her cake more slowly.

After we all finished, Laurance lights the fire and starts making smores. Alina was still eating her cake. "Lina, hurry up and finish your cake so we can do fireworks!" Aphmau says, a light accent lingering in her voice.

"YAY!" the girl shouts, scooping the last few mouthfuls down quickly. We sit in the chairs around the glowing fire, which alumintates the area around us.

Travis and Dante are a good twenty feet away with a truck full of fireworks, waiting to be set off. They set the first rocket, a small punk band green one, off. It rises to the air and exploded into an assortment of colors, followed quickly by a loud BOOM. Alina squeals every time another firework is set off.

"Alright, Last one guys!" Dante calls before setting of a GIANT black firework that says 'TNT' in bold red letters. It flies into the air and exploded, shooting rays of colors and tiny little bags, which eventual explode into more bags with colors. It was a good minute long firework. Once it's gone, Aphmau takes Alina inside for bed, after much of her protesting.

Aphmau comes back from putting Alina to sleep with a bottle of wine and a bottle of whiskey. Time to have fun! She sits back down next to Aaron at the fire, and together they begin to pour drinks. Three shots and two glasses of wine in, we decide to play spin the bottle with one of the boys empty beer bottles.

"Okay, who's first?" Aph asks drunkenly.

"I'll go!" I volunteered with a giggle.

I spin the bottle and it twirls quickly. As it slows, everyone draws in a breath, they all exhale when it lands on...

Garroth. His cheeks turn a bright red as I smile softly at him.

"Damn it!" Travis says aloud.

I ignore him as I lean in and press my lips to Garroth's. He immediately kisses back, biting my lip in a request for entrance. I pull away in denial.

"Nuh uh, this is just a game," I whisper seductively. I looks down in disappointment as I back away. The game continues on as we all get more and more drunk.


???'s POV
At about three AM, I move into the kitchen to find Garroth drinking a glass of milk. "Hey, Buddy, what're you still doing up?" he asks sleepily.

"I just came to check up on you," I say, making my way towards the knives. I sneakily grab one and hide it behind my back.

"Imma go back to bed," Garroth says with a yawn. "No your not," I growl, pulling my knife from behind my back.

"W-What're you doing?" Garroth says fearfully, backing away. I slowly move towards him and he backs away, tripping in the process. "Why are you doing this?" he asks in an attempt to stall.

"You kissed her, and she's mine!" I yell, plunging the knife into his chest. A single tear falls down his cheek, as the light leaves his eyes.

I wash the knife as well as my hands and put it back into rightful place. I turn and leave the kitchen, as well as the dead corps. I turn around and look at his lifeless body one last time.

"She will be mine," I whisper to Garroth's corpse, "and no one will get in my way!"

Word Count: 1294

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