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A/N: Key!

Y/N = Your Name

I woke up in the middle of the night to red and blue blazing lights flashing through my windows. I felt that same sickening knot grow in my stomach as it had so many times before. I climbed out of bed and over to my window. I hoped I was in the middle of a nightmare and what I was going to see wasn't real. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. When I looked out I saw a police car and ambulance in front of Travis and Dante's house. I picked up my jacket and put it on promptly before rushing out the door of my house in a hurry.

I ran over to the commotion, only to see the paramedics carry this times victim, Dante, on a stretcher to the ambulance. I looked around and saw Travis sobbing. I walked over and gave him a hug.

"Travis I'm so sorry" I mumbled in his ear. I felt his arms wrap around me, pulling me close.

"I only just came home, I don't know what happened" Travis mumbled.

I looked up at him. "What do you mean? What happened?" I asked.

Travis let go of him and sat down, I followed. "I had come home from a party, to possibly hook up with some girls, maybe make a certain person jealous..." He sighed, "I returned home about eleven thirty, only when I walked in I was hit with a horrible smell. I walked into the house only to step in wet puddle. Looking down I saw it was blood." I put my hand over my mouth, tears filling my own eyes. "When I looked ahead I saw Dante lying in his own blood, not to far from the body was a bullet to a gun, not sure what kind, but I didn't care about that at the moment," more tears slip down Travis's cheeks. "When I called the police they got here about eleven fifty, they told me...." Travis paused, "....Dante was dead."

The tear gate broke at that point. "Dammit!! Why!!" I cried, "why is everyone we love dying? Why can't we figure out who's doing this?" Travis and I sat in silence, crying to ourselves for a good short moment.

"(Y/N), Travis?"

I looked up to see Laurance walking over to us. Travis stood up and glared at Laurance. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked aggressively.

Laurance looked a little taken aback. "I heard commotion came to see what was going on and saw Dante, I came to see if your ok-"

"Don't pull that bulls**t with me Laurance! Your the only other one who has the damn key to this house! Who else could've killed him!" Travis yelled.

Laurance was silent for a moment. "I'm really hurt you think that but I actually lost that key awhile back, I have no clue where it went. Some random stranger could've picked it up and broke in!" he informed us.

Travis growled and grabbed the collar of Laurance's shirt. "You've been acting so damn strange around the rest of us recently, but you seem perfectly fine around (Y/N)! Care to spill what that's about?" he asked with another growl.

Laurance sighed, "I'm about as normal as the rest of you, I'm just shocked by all of this... You've got to remember Garroth died on me, the one that I loved! (Y/N) helps to calm me. Surely you feel the same aura she gives off as well?"

Travis held onto Laurance for a few minutes before letting go of his shirt. "You better watch yourself Laurance, I don't fully believe you yet," Travis narrowed his eyes.

"What will it take, Travis, to convince you-"

"Nothing! I will not cross you off my suspect list! Listen good Laurance I-"

"BOYS!" I yelled, interuppting their argument. I had about enough of seeing them clamer each other. "Listen! We need to stick together through all of this! We can't fall apart ourselves!" I exclaimed.

Laurance and Travis looked at one another before sighing. "Fine" they said in unison.

I smiled, "Good, now lets go to the others.. We can all grieve togehter for Dante." They nodded once again and followed me over to everyone else.

This was getting tougher and tougher with each death. I don't know how much more I can take before driven to madness.

Whats up! This was an epic chapter done by Magic! Next chapter we'll maybe introduce a few new people! Until then, WackyWolf AWAY! *flies out Magic's window*

Word count: 767

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