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Y/N= Your Name
F/L= favorite lemonade

I softly knocked on Kawaii-Chan and Katelyn's door. No answer. I knocked again, a little harder this time. Still no answer. Annoyed, I began pounding on the door. I still got no answer. Fed up, I walked around the side of the house and peered in the window. I saw Katelyn and Travis sitting on the couch, making out. I stared in shock, my mouth hanging open. I then started giggling maniacally.

"This'll be fun," I murmured to myself.

I began pounding on the window. The two broke apart and turned toward me. Both of them turned dark red and Katelyn jumped of the couch. I was laughing so hard, I couldn't breathe.

Katelyn opened the window aggressively. "What the f**k do you want?" She yelled, embarrassed.

I muffled another laugh and took a deep breath to calm myself. "So what's up with you and Travis?" I giggled, wiggling my eyebrows.

She crossed her arms sassily, "what's up with you and Zenix?"

A small blush bounced onto my cheeks. "I asked you first!"

"Fine, fine! Travis and I are trying things out." She answered her voice growing smaller as she talked. I struggled to hold back a squeal of excitement. She rolled her eyes, "I told my story, now its your turn! What's with you and Zenix?"

"He's my boyfriend," I reply as casually as possible, though its quite hard with how hot my face is.

"Really? Zenix? Why?" she says, scrunching her nose in disgust.

"Shut up! You're with Travis!" I retort.

"Fair point, now what do you really want?"

The mission at hand came back to me and I almost jumped in excitement. "Where's Kawaii-Chan?"

"KC? She's at the Maid Cafe, working," Katelyn answered with a scoff.

"Thanks! Have fun with Travis!" I giggled turning to leave. "But not to much fun!" I quickly added before sprinting to my car. I could hear Katelyn yell curses after me.


I pulled into the parking lot of the Maid Cafe and hopped out of the car. I ran inside and immediately spotted KC's bright pink head of hair. "Kawaii-Chan!" I called.

She turned to me, fear shining in her eyes. "Y/N-Chan! Is something wrong?"

"No, everyone's fine. I just wanted to talk to you!" I smiled.

The meifwa relaxed, "sure! What about?"

I smirked, "Zane."

Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink, "Z-Zane-Kun? What about him?"

I giggled, "maybe about you having a crush on him!"

"W-Wha! Why would Y/N-Chan think such a thing!" She cried, her face becoming pinker than her hair.

I laughed more. "When do you get off?" I asked.

"I get off at 5, but I have a break coming up in a few minutes!" She said skeptically.

"Great! Let's talk."

I took a seat at a table and KC hesitantly sat next to me. A purple haired miefwa walked up to me, "What can Michi get ya, nya~?"

"Uhm, F/L, please," I answered. The girl walked away without asking KC what she wanted. I turned to her confused. "Oh, that's just Michi-Chan! She knows what Kawaii-Chan wants." I nodded in understanding.

"Now, about Zane..." I smirked.

"What about him?" KC asked nervously.

"Admit it! You like him!"

"Who does Kawaii-Chan like?" The waitress, Michi, asked as she set my F/L and KC's pink candy drink down.

"N-Nobady!" Kawaii-Chan yelled before I can say anything. Michi shrugged and walked away.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Michi-Chan likes to steal the guys Kawaii-Chan likes," She answered with a sigh.

I smirk, "so you DO like him!"

KC glares at me before sighing. "Yes, I like him. But it doesn't matter. He'd never like Kawaii-Chan back." I smiled.

"But what if I told you he does?" I responded.

She looked up, "what do you mean?"

"Aphmau has been talking with him and she thinks he might have a thing for you!" I smirk.

Her eyes immediately light up, "Really!?" I nod. Her smile grew bigger, then it faded.

"What's wrong?" I ask confused.

"What do I do now?" She asked.

I smirk for the thirtieth time today, "go on a date with me and Zenix!"

"Wait, you and Zenix-kun?" KC replies in confusion.

I let out a sigh, for this is the third time I've had to explain our unexpected romance. "Zenix is my boyfriend, now will you go on this double date or not?"

She smiles excitedly, "Yes, thank you Y/N-Chan!"

I nod, "No problem!"

"Now excuse Kawaii-Chan, She has to get back to work!"


"A double date!?"

"Yeah! It'll be fun!" I respond to my stubborn boyfriend.

"But I don't want to!" He growls.

"Come on! Both Zane and KC have already agreed to it! We'll be helping our friends!"

"They're not my friends, they're your friends!"

I cross my arms. "They are to your friends, you stubborn a***ole!" He rolls his eyes. I walk up to him and give him a hug. "Please? For me?" I whisper, giving him puppy dog eyes.

He plants a soft kiss on my forehead. "Fine." He grumbles, "for you."

What's up everyone! Wacky here! Y/N is going on a double date! Exciting lovey chapter for Magic to write! Until then, WackyWolf AWAY! *flies out Magic's window*

Word Count: 885

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