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Y/N= Your Name
L/N= Last Name


I was sitting in a grey room, a row of chairs lined both walls. I sat alone, in a chair farthest from the door. I've been here for hours, with nothing to do, waiting to be interrogated. We were all brought here the day after Garroth was found dead. I don't know how long it's been, but I'm the last one waiting. Kawaii~Chan went in just before me. It seems like forever since she went in. I've been sat, twiddling my thumbs as tears slowly rolled down my cheeks. I've been like this for hours. No one talked, we all were silent in grief. And little by little, they all left until it was just me.

Then the door opened to reveal the man who's been taking everyone to their interrogation. He was wearing a a black vest as well as pants. He had dark sunglasses and a bald head with a grey beard. He had a strong muscly build and stood in a commanding way.

"Y/N L/N!" he calls causing me to flinch.

I shakily stand up and move forward slowly. When I reach him, he puts a hand on my shoulder and starts to force me down the white hall and into a new room, similar to the first, but smaller with only two chairs, a table, and a mirror on the far wall. The man pushes me into the room and shuts the door.

"Y/N L/N?" I notice a man with brown hair in a suit sitting in one of the chairs. He beckons me over and I hesitantly sit in the chair across from him. He gives me a warm smile, "there's no reason to be afraid. It's just a thing we gotta do by law! I personally think you look too sad and scared to have killed Garroth Ro'meave."

At the mention of his name, the grief washes over me again. Tears well in my eyes for what felt like the millionth time today. I held back a sob, which made it sound like I was choking.

"Oh, touchy, right. OK, I'm sorry!" The man says, loosing some of the cheeriness. I sniffle in response. "Ok, so Imma ask a few questions now. Umm, how long have you known the victim?"

I say nothing, fearing that if I opened my mouth, a wail of grief would come out.

"Hmm, how about I make you more comfortable! Maybe... knowing my name would help? I'm Malachi!" he says, renewing his cheeriness. I looked up at him, his green eyes were shining serenely. His whole mood was friendly.

"I- I've known- knew Garroth for five days." I answer, my voice cracking as I said his name.

He nodded, writing my words on a sheet of paper. "Ok, and how did you know him- what was he to you?"

"I didn't know him very well or long. He helped me the day I moved in, and gave me a tour of the neighborhood. He was really nice and I was so excited to be his friend!" I answered with a small sob following my last few words.

"Mhm, and what was your motive for killing him?" he asked nonchalantly.

"KILL HIM!" I shriek, "WHY THE HELL WOULD I KILL SOMEONE I JUST MET!" I wail, tears streaming down my face.

"Woah, woah, calm down! I'm sorry! It's protocol to ask that! Just explain to me calmly your story." he says in pure surprise.

I take a deep, shaky breath, "I never had many friends as a kid. I grew up in a not so stable family. My parents fought all the time and I was caught in the middle of it. When they finally divorced, I was graduating high school. My dad lost half his money to my mom in court. The only thing they agreed on was my wellbeing. The worked together to pay for college, and buy me a house on Mystreet. Garroth was the first person to welcome me, to be my friend. And him and Laurance introduced me to the others. I was happy, for the second time in my life. And then I woke up and they say he's murdered." I explain, tears rolling down my cheeks despite my calm manner.

"That's all," Malachi says standing up to leave. He goes to the door and hesitates. He turns towards me and holds out a card. I stand up and take it. "If you need anything, call me. I'll be working this case so I'll be in touch." He says before leaving me there.

I look down at the card and see:

Malachi Goste


I wrote this lovely chapter! Yay! Anyway, funeral chapter is next, prepare for tears! Also, DO NOT CALL THAT NUMBER! I made it up! Until next time, Wacky AWAY! *flies out Magics window*

Word Count: 818

Murder On Mystreet (MystreetXReader) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें