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A/N: A key Bros!

Y/N= Your Name


???'s POV
I walk up to Aphmau and Aaron's house, my plan coursing through my mind. Aphmau took Alina grocery shopping so they'll be out for an hour. No one else has left their house since Alina's party, so there is no chance of me getting caught. I knock on the door and Aaron answers it.

"What's up?" he greets.

"Aphmau invited me to hang out," I answer.

"Oh, she and Alina just went to the store."

"I could come back later-" I begin only to be cut off by Aaron.

"No, no! They'll be back soon! Stay!" I smile. Aaron is too nice for his own good, my plan is working.

"Thank you!"

"No problem, I'll be upstairs working if you need me," Aaron says before running back upstairs. I close the door behind me and sit on the couch.

A few minutes later, I slowly and quietly walk to the kitchen. I go through the drawers and grab the biggest knife I can find. I creep up the stairs making sure not to make any noise. I freeze when the floor creaks, standing there for a good minute before continuing to Aaron's office room. The door is cracked open already and I can see Aaron with headphones in, playing on his computer. He seems very focused.

I slowly push the door open enough for me to sneak in. Aaron has no reaction to my presence. I ready the knife as a walk up behind him. Swiftly, I cover his mouth with my hand and bring the knife to his throat, pushing down. Aaron makes a muffled gurgling sound as I drag the knife across his throat, making the cut as deep and as long as possible. I feel Aaron go limp and pull the knife away. I turn and make my way out of the room, taking one last glance at Aaron's dead body before running back down stairs, cleaning the knife as well as my hands, putting my weapon back where I found it, and leaving the house as if nothing happened.


Aphmau's POV
I park the car with a sigh. That Woolmart was crazy! I get out and unbuckle Alina and bring her inside setting my keys on the table. "Go play with your toys!" I whisper, setting her down in the family room. I then go back to the car and unload all the groceries. Once they're all on the counter, I decide to go upstairs to tell Aaron we're home.

I knock on his already open office door. "Aaron, we're home!" I call out.

No response. I repeat my words a bit louder, thinking that maybe his volume was up to loud and he didn't hear me. He still didn't answer. I enter the room and walk over to his chair. What I see horrifies me. I draw in a sharp breath and let out a choked sob. In front of me was the dead corpse of my husband. His throat was cut open and dark red blood spilled out.

"No!" I sobbed. "No, no, no, NO!" I cry. I get down on my knees and grab his cold hand bringing it to my lips. I take in rapid breaths, but they don't seem to reach my lungs. Tears blur my vision as I look into his lifeless eyes. "AARON!" I shriek.


Sirens and police cars are what I come home from work to. They're all parked outside Aphmau's house. My heart sinks I let out a fearful gasp. The whole neighborhood is gathered around the house all hugging a crying Aphmau. I quickly get to of the car and sprint across the street. I see Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan hugging Aphmau who is in tears and seems almost unresponsive.

"What's going on?" I ask fearfully.

Dante answers in an upset tone, "Aph came home to find Aaron d-dead." My heart stops as I look at the short raven haired woman.

"Uncle ZuZu? Why's momma crying?" asked a high pitched voice.

I turn and see Zane, tears threatening to spill out of his visible eye. He's holding Alina who is looking around at the scene curiously. Zane doesn't answer, he just hugs her closer to his chest.

"YOU!" I turn to see Aphmau running towards a police officer with Navy Blue hair and grey eyes.

"Aphmau!" he says politely.

"You did this!" she shrieks. He looks taken aback as the short girl lunges at him, only to be held back by Laurance.

"What're you talking about?" The officer asks.

"YOU'VE WANTED HIM DEAD SINCE YOU MET HIM!" Aph cries, tears rolling down her face.

"Aphmau, I've changed!" The officer reasons.

"No! Ein! You made me stab him almost 6 years ago! You tried to kill him four years ago! Who says you didn't do this!" Aphmau yells managing to break free from Laurance. She lands a punch on the officer, Ein, who shrinks back.

"WOAH WOAH!" a couple other officers come and pull Ein away while Dante, Laurance, and Travis pull a hysterical Aphmau back to Katelyn and KC.

"What was that?" I ask.

"I don't know," Laurance pants.

Aphmau continues to cry in her friends arms as police officers come out with a dead Aaron in a stretcher. There has been another murder on Mystreet, and I'm not so sure I feel safe in this neighborhood anymore.


What's up dogs! Wacky Wolf here with another Chapter of Murder on Mystreet. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Yet another person has died. Next chapter is the funeral by Magic so be ready to cry your eyes out! Until next time,Wacky Wolf AWAY! *flies out Magic's window*

Word Count: 959

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