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A/N: Uh key I guess...

(Y/N)= Your Name

I woke up bright and earlier to the sound of police sirens, as well as the sound of an ambulance. Sitting up and stretching, I couldn't help but to wonder what was going on outside. Did someone do something stupid and get into a fight or something?I got off my bed and walked over to the window. The sirens started getting louder the closer I got to the window. When I peeked outside, my heart nearly stopped. All those vehicles were gathered outside the Garroth, Zane, and Laurance's house!! I didn't care about changing, I just ran down from my room. I ran as fast as I could down the stairs and out the door.

"Guys!!" I screamed as I neared the guys house. I could see yellow crime tape in front of the door and policemen all about. Everyone in the neighborhood was gathered at that spot. "Laurance, what's going on?" I asked, worried.

I kept scanning the crowd until my gaze settled on the emo lord himself, only some thing was different about his usual "I hate everyone and everything" attitude. Zane was currently being embraced by Kawaii~Chan in a comforting hug. It wasn't to easy to see due to the angle but it was quite obvious he was sobbing.

"(Y-Y/N), I don't know how to put this" Laurance paused, holding back an evident sob within his voice. "Last Night, authorities believe to be about midnight... a murder occurred on Mystreet" he started, his words sending a brief, uncomfortable chill down my spine. "The v-victim i-is..." Laurance trailed off, his voice starting to crack as tears fell down his face. "T-The victim is twenty nine year old, Garroth Ro'meave" Laurance started to break down at this point.

I couldn't do anything but mumble, "Oh my Irene," and let reality sink in.

Garroth... the cheery blond man who welcomed me into the neighborhood less then a week ago.. was dead? This can't be true!! It just can't!! I fell down to my own knees and started sobbing.

"T-This can't be true, i-it can't" I said under my breath through my sobs.

I felt a embrace around me. "(Y-Y/N), I wish it wasn't" Laurance whispered into my ear, tears falling down his face too.

We both sat there for while, crying on each other's shoulder like the rest of the neighborhood. The truth was just too hard to grasp. I don't know if I'll ever be able to accept it. But no matter what, Garroth is dead, and, worst of all, the killer is still out there.

What's up guys! This lovely short lil chapter was written by none other than Magic!! So yeah! Hope you enjoyed! Wacky AWAY! *flies out Magic's Window*

Word Count: 469

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