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Another two month wait... Sorry!

Y/N= Your Name
F/C= Favorite Color


Your Name
The door bell rings and I rush down to answer it. I quickly straighten my F/C pencil dress and fluff my neatly curled hair before opening the door to reveal a beaming Kawaii~Chan and a scowling Zane. "Merry Christmas!" KC cheers.

"Merry Christmas! Come on in!" I respond, stepping aside so they can enter. Both of them walk in, Zane pulling a bag full of presents behind them.

"UNCLE ZUZU!" Alina shouts as she races down the stairs in her new red dress.

"Lina!" he calls back as she jumps into his arms. He picks her up and hugs her tight. Aph waddles down in a purple blouse and black leggings.

"Merry Christmas!" she says to them.

"Oh my Irene Aph! You are huge!" Kawaii~Chan comments with a laugh.

"Well I am six and a half months pregnant with twins!" she responds brightly. Zane puts Alina down and hugs Aphmau. When he pulls away, KC hugs her as well.

"Do you have presents for me uncle ZuZu?" Alina asks sweetly.

Aphmau lets out an embarrassed gasp. "Lina that's rude-"

"Of course we do Lina! Why don't you go put them under the tree!" KC replies, cutting Aph off. Alina excitedly grabs the bag and runs to put the presents under the tree.

"We're not early are we?" Zane asks.

"A little, but that's fine! I can put you to work!" Aph answers mischievously. Zane lets out an annoyed sigh as Aph dishes out orders.

About twenty minutes later, we're fully set up and more people arrive, Laurance being the first. "Merry Christmas!" He greets, giving each of us a hug.

"Eww get away!" Zane groans as Laurance attempts to hug him. Before we know it, all of our friends are in the house, partying away.

"I WIN!" Alina shrieks as she throws Laurance's Gang Beasts character out of the ring. Aphmau laughs and snaps a picture. We had just opened presents, and Alina got Gang Beasts from Laurance. She was ecstatic.

Suddenly the door bell rings, and I grin to myself. I quickly run and open it and see Zane dressed as Santa. "Ho! Ho! Ho!" He calls, catching Alina's attention.

"SANTA!" She squeals, jumping off the couch to greet the plump bearded Zane posing as Santa.

She grabs his hand and leads him into the kitchen where Aphmau has a chair decorated specially for him. He takes a seat and Alina jumps onto his lap. "Have you been a good girl?" Santa asks.

Alina nods her head vigorously.

"You sure-" He pulls out a big black book. "Because I have some notes that might say otherwise." Worry flashes across her eyes as Santa opens the book. "Let's see. It says that you like to whine sometimes. Ho ho, and it says you don't clean up your room!" Alina smiles sheepishly nods her head. "But it also says that you eat all your vegetables, and that you like to help mommy and auntie Y/N." Alina smiles brightly. "I think you've been good enough this year! Give the girl a present!"

Aphmau opens Santa's bag and pulls out a present and hands it to Zanta. He takes it and hands it to an excited Alina. "Merry Christmas!" He calls as she jumps off his lap and tears the paper off to reveal and American Girl doll. Alina lets out an excited squeal and runs to have Aph open it.

"Alrighty! Well, that's all the presents I have today! I have other houses to hit up! I will see you next year!" Zanta announces. Alina lets out a sad groan before leading him to the door and saying goodbye. After she runs back and plays with her new doll.

I make my way to the kitchen where Aphmau is, pulling the turkey out of the oven. "Is it dinner time already?" I ask as I breath in the delicious scent of turkey.

"Almost!" She replies, but something about her tone catches me off. She sounds choked, sad.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I say frowning.

"Nothing. I... I just miss Aaron," She answers, wiping a stray tear.

I give her a hug. "Hey, it's okay. I bet he's watching from above, smiling down on us!" She sniffles and then pulls away, giving me a smile.

"Your right." She wipes under her eyes again. "Thank you!"

I smile and nod. "Now let's serve Christmas dinner!"


After dinner, Aphmau and I quickly clean up before serving desert. Some people sit in the family room, where Travis lit a fire. Alina was busy eating her fifth cookie. "Lina, after that it'll be time for bed." Aphmau announces.

"Awww mommy!" Alina complains. She begins to eat her cookie more slowly.

I chuckle, "come on Aph, it's Christmas!"

"Yeah, But it's already nine and I don't wanna deal with crabby Alina in the morning!"

I chuckle again in response, and Aph takes Alina up for bed. I clean up what's left of the deserts and wipe down the the kitchen once more. I'm about to leave when Daniel walks in. Me being the unobservant person I am, walk straight into him.

"Oh my Irene I'm sorry!" I apologize quickly.

"It's fine... I see you put the deserts away?"

I nod, "Yeah.. did you want some?" He shrugs before glancing up and blushing.

I follow his gaze to see we're standing under the mistletoe. I feel myself blush as well before Daniel presses his lips against mine. I politely kiss back. We both pull away and look down awkwardly.

"Let's go back to the others...." he mumbles. I nod and we go.


About an hour later everyone goes home. Aphmau is laying on the couch, sound asleep. I smile to myself and cover her in a blanket. "Merry Christmas," I murmur to her, and I swear she mumbled it back. I make my way upstairs and lay in bed. But I can't sleep. Something is on my mind. It's my kiss with Daniel. It was nice... But I can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen.

Hi guys. So I'm officially the worst author ever. I'm so sorry it's been two months since I updated! I honestly kept forgetting/procrastinating. But I'm full of inspiration now so chapters will be back to their every other weekend schedule... Hopefully. Until then, Wacky AWAY! **flies out Magics window**

Word Count: 1079

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