Chapter 18

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Beam felt the need to follow Forth. When he saw the slight waver in Forth's menacing eyes, Beam felt the entirety of his being start to tremble. He hurriedly fished his pocket for Forth's car key and threw it to Aran when he got it.

"Please give this to Ai'Pha. He's inside," Beam said as he turned his feet to the direction Forth was going.

However, before he could take a step forward, Park held his forearm, gripping it tightly to prevent him from walking away.

Beam narrowed his eyes, glancing back and forth between Park's hand and face.

"Park, please! He needs—"

"I know, Ai'Beam," he cut. Park stared at Beam seriously and continued, "Make sure he didn't do anything rash. His emotion is unstable."

"I know—"

"No, Ai'Beam," Park interjected once again. "He almost lost control. If I didn't show him your messages, he would've. He cares for you, Ai'Beam. Please take care of him."

Noticing just how serious Park and the rest of them were being, Beam gave them a nod. He took one last glance at the helpless Suthee on the ground before starting to run.

Beam found Forth standing in front of five motorcycles. He walked closer to him and just as he was about to say something, Beam heard him let out small whimpers. Beam felt his heart clench at the sound of it. He hadn't expected Forth to cry. He simply expected him to show some sort of humane emotion.

Why did he cry? Why was Forth so affected by this? Was it because he felt guilty? That couldn't be it. What Suthee did was wrong, despite him having a reason behind it. So why was he this affected by it?

Beam slowly walked closer to Forth, not wanting to make him jump.

"Forth," he called softly.

Hearing someone, Forth wiped his tears with the back of his hand. When he saw it was Beam, he simply let his tears flow right out.

"Beam... I-I can't..." Forth whimpered.

Those cold eyes held so many hidden emotions that Beam was patient enough to crack. It was impossible for Beam to take away the damages that had been done, but that wasn't his intention. Beam understood that some wounds Forth previously received had turned to scars, and that nothing could ever change them. What he wanted was for Forth to share those pain. He simply didn't want Forth to suffer alone.

Also... maybe, just maybe, Beam would be able to cover those scars with beautiful memories... just like how people covered their scars with stunning tattoos.

"It's okay, baby, let it out," Beam consoled, taking Forth into his arms.

"H-Hearing him, I..."

Forth was unable to finish his sentence, but Beam didn't mind. He was willing to wait until Forth was ready to share his story with him. The last thing he wanted to do was to pressure Forth to do so.

"You don't have to explain, Forth," Beam assured.

Forth looked at him, as if studying his features. Beam almost wanted to hide under Forth's gaze. Being stared at by the man he liked wasn't something he came across very often. He felt heat rushing to the apples of his cheek, turning them red. He was shy.

"Beam," Forth whispered.


Forth took both of Beam's hands in his very own, caressing them with the side of his thumbs.

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