Chapter 11

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"Next time you trash my room, make sure you don't throw a tantrum afterwards."

"Next time you got your ass beat, make sure to video call me so I can watch."

"That's not what you did last time."

"Yes! Last time, I gave you a punch too!"

Beam was once again stuck in the middle of Forth and Park. He facepalmed and smacked the back of their heads.

"Will you two quit it?"

Forth turned his attention to Beam and grinned widely. If he were a puppy, his tongue would be out and his tails would be wagging. Park almost gagged at the sight of his usually merciless leader turning into a cute little animal in front of one specific doctor.

"No," Forth whined as he laced his arm around Beam's waist and put his chin on Beam's shoulder. He then threw a glare at Park and hissed, "Not before he tells me what the fuck he was doing until you two ended up—"

"I invited him for coffee," Beam interrupted.

Park crossed his arms and stared at Forth smugly.

"Ugh, fine!" Forth groaned. He then turned to Beam and whined, "But Beam, do you see this new bruise? That man gave it to me."

Park glared at Forth. "Yeah! I gave it to you, just like I gave a bruise on Ai'Angel's neck!"

"Come here you little shit—"

For what it seemed like the thousandth time that day, Beam shook his head, watching the entire play took place. He was only able to watch the two with a small smile. He was relieved when he could see Forth grinning widely, even though it was because he was about to knock Park down.

"Okay, okay, I'm going!" Park yelled. He then muttered under his breath, "These days my existence is always threatened."

Forth seemed satisfied with his choice.


Park glared at him and walked closer to Beam. He professionally ignored Forth and focused his attention to the shortest man. "Bye, Ai'Angel! See you s—"

"See him never," Forth growled. "And stop calling him angel!"

Beam laughed and waved his hand. "Bye, Ai'Park."

Park sent a mocking expression to his best friend before waving his hand excitedly at Beam and walking out of the room.

Forth heaved a sigh when he heard the door closed and sat on his bed, circling his arm around Beam's waist to pull him closer.

"I've missed you," mumbled Forth.

Beam played with his hair, twirling it lightly with his fingers. He chuckled, "It's only been a few minutes."

Forth snuggled his head on his t-shirt Beam was wearing. "A fucking long few minutes. I fought with my friends, got punched, cried over it, read some very disturbing post about—"

"Will you stop harassing your friend," Beam laughed, feeling bad for Park.

Forth chuckled and nodded, surrendering. He then pulled his head up to meet Beam's eyes and said, "You look great in my clothes."

Beam rolled his eyes. "I look great in everything, but sure."

"That's true," Forth chirped, staring intensely at Beam's eyes.

Beam was flustered, but he wasn't going to let Forth get away with the satisfaction of making him flustered.

"Beam," Forth called, his voice soft and calming.

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