Chapter 8

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Beam did go to Forth's dorm room after class. Technically, a couple hours after his class ended could still be considered after class, right?

He thought he had sacrificed his image enough to Pha and Kit, especially after they noticed the hickey Forth made on his neck—which Beam would confront Forth for later. Therefore, he decided to have lunch with them before going to Forth's dorm.

Big mistake.

Pha and Kit couldn't stop pestering him about what happened and why he had a hickey on his neck. They also told Beam to stop acting tough and just accept that Forth would be a part of his life sooner later. If that were the reaction they gave when they knew Forth and Beam shared a crown tattoo... Beam didn't even want to know how they would react when—or if they knew about the wolf.

Forth opened the door before Beam could finish knocking. With an excited grin, Forth slipped his hand around Beam's waist and pulled him inside, chuckling when Beam let out a startled yelp. Beam felt his body turning hot, especially at the places Forth touched.

"Took you long enough," Forth whispered.

Beam rolled his eyes. "Serves you right for leaving a fucking hickey on my neck. Ai'Pha noticed, you idiot!"

"So what?" Forth protested rather quickly.

Yes, he was still jealous of Pha.

"I'll leave a hundred more so he backs off," Forth grumbled, inching closer to Beam's neck. Before he could land his lips on his neck, though, Beam wiggled out of his grip and walked to the bathroom.

Forth groaned loudly, "You're teasing me again!"

Beam scoffed. "I'm dirty! I want to take a shower!"

Forth grunted. "Do you have to?"

"Yes," Beam insisted. He then hesitantly asked, "Can I... use your bathroom...?"

"Of course," Forth answered instantly.

"Can I also... borrow your clothes...?"

Forth almost got a heart attack right then and there.

Oh, please have mercy on me.

Forth nodded and walked to his wardrobe to pick a simple outfit for Beam. He decided to play his strategy of making Beam look like the cutest and hottest man out there well. He finally settled on a white t-shirt that would be slightly oversized for Beam and a pair of grey boxer. Too much? Unless Beam punch him and add another bruise on his body, Forth would say it wasn't too much.

He took the clothes and a towel to Beam, who was practically asking to be eaten. Beam was already shirtless and his pants were unbuttoned, testing Forth to his absolute limit. Forth let out a deep growl, making Beam laugh heartily.

"Thanks," he said as he sauntered into the bathroom.

Beam was officially killing Forth—in the best way possible, and Forth wasn't complaining one bit.

Forth heard the water running, and that was when he began to bang his head against the wall to wash his filthy imagination. He then decided to play with his phone while waiting for the Satan of Lust to finish his shower.

Lil Bitch
guess who's coming over???
this beautiful dunce!

PARKing lot
Did you just compliment and insult yourself??

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