Chapter 3

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A fight.

There was a fight right in the heart of the medical cafeteria and none of them knew what to do. Being inexperienced in fighting, the medical students could do nothing but take pictures of the occurring fight. As usual, a sea of blue shirts was present, yet only one seemed to do the work. Beam growled in frustration when he spotted a familiar tanned arm throwing repeated punches, but his scowl quickly turned into a gasp when he realized the one taking beatings was his junior, Suthee.

"He's gonna kill Nong Suthee," Beam voiced hurriedly.

"Tough luck, Suthee."

Beam glared at Kit, making the latter scoff.

"It's not as if we're gonna go there and fight Forth for him." Kit shrugged like it was the most obvious thing.

"Not helping, Ai'Kit," Beam snapped.

"I'm being realistic," Kit reasoned. "I feel bad for him, but if there's a hungry pack of wolves, you run to the other direction, alright?"

Beam groaned at his friend's nonchalance. "This is serious, guys! He's going to— fuck!"

"To fuck who?" Pha smirked.

"Ai'Phana, this is no time to joke around!" Beam shouted, taking a sip of his iced tea before running to the middle of the cafeteria. "He really might kill our nong."

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Kit yelled.

"Ai'Beam! Get back here!" Pha screeched as he immediately stood up and left their table. "Don't try to play hero!"

"Hero my ass, I bet he's just documenting the fight," Kit commented, but getting up to follow his friends nonetheless.

Without thinking much, Beam ran, wedged his way into the crowd, and stood in front of his junior to shield him from Forth. At that point, both Pha and Kit needed to be sent to the nearest hospital due to a traumatic experience labelled as Beam's Damned Courage.

"What do you think you're doing?" Beam hissed at Forth, his arms casually lifting Suthee up, being careful not to touch any bruise or wound.

The entire cafeteria stopped what they were doing and began to murmur. Beam could already expect thousands and thousands of mentions from the fan accounts, talking about a certain hero from the medical faculty who was brav—dumb enough to stand up against the King of Engineering and Leader of Fight Club-Slash-Gang himself, Forth Jaturapoom.


Needless to say, Forth looked surprised and completely taken aback to see Beam, but as he realized what Beam had just done, his eyes narrowed into slits, shooting a fierce glare as if saying 'I'm going to kill you if you don't move your ass'.

"Move, Beam," repeated Forth.

Beam only glared at him. "And let you hurt my junior who's probably innocent?"

At that, the engineering crowd protested.

Maybe, Suthee was indeed guilty. Beam didn't know. But was beating him up right in the center of the cafeteria for the world to see the right way to solve it?

Beam inspected Suthee's face. It was pale, as he was obviously scared to death, and his confident aura that he always portrayed suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Truthfully speaking, Beam didn't know whether or not he was going to come out of this alive. When he had his fight the day before, Forth spared his life... but Beam wasn't sure the man was going to suck up his pride one more time. What he was sure of was that Suthee looked tiny compared to Forth. Maybe not so much physically—hell, Suthee looked nowhere near weak. He had a great built: tall and slightly muscular. Maybe it was that he was terrified of what was in his way. After all, compared to Forth, everybody looked small and that was the problem.

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