32| The Reality Train

Start from the beginning

She came up to stand in front of me. "You're pregnant?" she asked again.

"Guess there's no use keeping it from her now," Harper mumbled.

Danielle gaped even more. "And you were going to keep it from me? I'm one of your best friends, Lanie."

I shifted back and forth on my feet. "Danielle, I'm sorry. But I really need to pee." I quickly went into the restroom and knew good and well my two best friends were following behind me.

"How long has she known?" I heard Danielle ask Harper from the other side of the stall door. "How long have you known?"

Harper's tone was casual when she answered. "We found out yesterday morning. I know because I was with her when she found out. We were going to tell you, but we wanted to wait because of Nate."

Just as I came out of the stall, Danielle looked at me with shock and surprise. "It's Ayden, isn't it? That's why you're being all cloak and dagger about it."

I giggled as I washed my hands. "Cloak and dagger? This isn't a spy movie, Danielle."

I saw her roll her eyes in the mirror. "You know what I mean. So, does he know? How did he take it?"

I dried my hands with a paper towel and let out a long breath. "You know, he took it really well. I think its the shock of it. He's been very supportive, sweet, and protective. But I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop when The Reality Train comes barreling through."

We made our way back towards the group, and thankfully Danielle didn't ask anymore questions. We weren't in the cone of silence that was the women's bathroom and I didn't need Nate overhearing the same way Danielle did. That would be a nightmare.

Just as we rejoined everyone, The Rolling Stones were singing You Can't Always Get What You Want; another one of my favorites. I maneuvered myself so I was between Harper and Ayden. Even though we kept our eyes on the band, he held my hand and squeezed. I knew he was making sure I was okay. I gave him a squeeze back and we separated.

As we continued to enjoy the concert, I couldn't help but wonder if he really was okay.

As we continued to enjoy the concert, I couldn't help but wonder if he really was okay

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Thunder woke me and I sat up in my bed. I wiped at my face before I stretched. I instinctively reached for Ayden and was surprised when his side of the bed was empty. I got up and threw on my robe before I started looking for him. Nate said he was staying at Jules' tonight, so at least there wasn't a chance of us getting caught. I went and looked in the guest bedroom Ayden used to stay in. All I saw inside was his bag he brought with him and an empty bed.

I went towards the kitchen and that's when I saw him. He was standing on the back porch under the awning. I could hear the rain coming down hard as the thunder rumbled. A bad feeling came over me as I approached him.

"Ayden?" I called once I stepped on to the porch. I saw his shoulders tense up when he heard my voice.

I could hear him clearly over the storm, and the hitch in his voice made my heart drop. "Did-- I'm sorry if I woke you."

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