Chapter Twenty-Two

Beginne am Anfang

Zuko looked alarmed and ready to fight.

The man sighed, "Relax. I'm not going to expose you guys. If I was I would have called the police when I first saw you."

I stared at the man, "How do you know who we are?"

He smiled and I saw it. The characteristic (E/C) eyes, the (S/C) skin. I didn't know who this man was, but he was related to my father, and therefore, related to me.

"I think you should follow me," he said. Zuko and I started walking forward and he put a hand in front of Zuko, "Not you. You can go wait outside, here," he handed Zuko a lollipop, "have a lollipop."

Zuko looked like he was about to explode, "Hey-"

I put a hand on his shoulder, "Go wait outside with your Uncle. This won't take too long, I know how to handle myself."

He glared at the man, then looked back at me. His expression softened, "fine, but only because you asked me too," he glared at the man once more before walking away.

I grinned as Zuko walked away. Then I turned back to the man , "I have got to know how you have that Prince on a leash, nevermind," he gestured for me to follow him into one of the back rooms. 

Once we got into the room we both sat down across from each other.

"So," I said, "Is there something that you needed to tell me?"

He sighed, "You look so much like your father. It's a spitting image, really."

"Thanks," I grumbled. 

"You don't seem to happy about that," he laughed, "not that I'm surprised. Your father... well, he was an interesting man. He was kinder than you think he was, you know."

I scoffed, "Yeah, I'm sure."

He looked to be debating something, "I never thought I'd be able to see you in person. At least, not since you were a baby. But, I guess with all of Seizo's money being yours, it was a matter of time."

"What if I had gone to a different DT bank?"

"They would have eventually transferred you here, the protocol behind that bank account is very particular, only I have access to it, you know. Well, me and you."

"Who are you? You say I look like my father, but the same is true for you."

He grinned, "You noticed, huh?"

"Was I supposed to ignore the similarities? Think it was a coincidence? Some man who looks suspiciously like my father is the only man in the whole Earth Kingdom to recognize me as well as the only man who can access a bank account that is linked directly to my parents? Cut the crap, who are you?"

He laughed, "Wow, you are exactly like your father, aren't you."

My eyes flared, "I don't know if you think that this is a joke, but it's not. I'll ask you one more time," I manifested a flame in my hand, "who are you?"

"Ok, ok, put the fire down. I'm Seiki."

"And your name is supposed to automatically let me know who you are?"

He looked upset, "That bastard! He didn't tell you about me? I'm hurt."

"Which bastard, I happen to know a lot."

"Seizo. My brother."


"Sorry, I think I would know if my father had a brother."

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