Chapter 11 - Hurt him to save him

Start from the beginning

"Dean, no!" yelled Allegra.

He skimmed through the pages. It looked like a journal, similar to the one his dad made and which he still used to solve cases. It seemed like everything she knew about her powers and angels was written in the notebook. Bible quotes, references to events all across the globe, personal thoughts... 

"Dean, give it back."

But Dean ignored her and halted on one particular page.

'Gabriel came yesterday. His story was interesting, to say the least. Apparently, I'm a hybrid - a human with a celestial soul. My last name is an anagram of the word 'ANGEL,' but according to him, that should've been Archangel, which is what I am. Or what I'm supposed to become, I don't know.
It explains a lot, but not everything. And I didn't buy his explanation of why I have control over the plagues. Whatever the real reason is, demons are always gonna be after me. If they get my soul, they get control over the plagues. The most likely way out is I die, and the angels retrieve my soul before the demons do. But Gabriel also mentioned that I'd be of no use to anyone if I lost my powers. So maybe I can find a way to give the powers back. Maybe I can be normal. No need to run, no need to fight. Wouldn't that be something?'

Dean swallowed. Why the hell had she kept this from him? Sure, they'd been busy with the Horsemen and stopping the Apocalypse, but it's not like he wouldn't have spared a minute to listen to her. He turned a couple more pages and came to the one she wrote before. His heart stopped when he read the words.

'Sam died. He trapped Lucifer and Michael in the Cage using the rings of the Horsemen. I tried to track his soul, but I can't get to him. But that's not going to stop me from finding a way in. Lucifer told Michael he should've taken a personal interest in me as he had. He said I should thank him for taking away my choice because if he came out the winner, I'd be his by right. I need to know what he meant by that. Castiel is ignoring me, as are the other angels. They're leaving me no choice. I need to get in... or get Lucifer out.'

Dean's hands trembled. His anger made way for unbridled rage.

"What the hell is this?" His voice quivered. "What. The. HELL?!"

He threw the notebook against the wall. Allegra didn't even flinch at his outburst. She just stood there.

"After EVERYTHING we went through, you wanna get the son of a bitch back?! What the hell are you thinking?!"

"I want answers, Dean."

"You are NOT opening the Cage, Allegra! You are NOT wasting Sam's sacrifice for this! Over my dead body!"

Dean didn't care if Bobby could hear them. He couldn't fathom why she would even think about doing this. They risked their very lives, Sam lost his. Was she really prepared to bring the biggest evil the universe had ever seen back into the world for the chance of having the truth? 
Allegra sighed and took a step toward him. Her body language said everything and nothing. It was tense yet relaxed. Her face stood strict yet serene. It was unearthly almost. 

"I don't expect you to understand, Dean. And you don't have to be involved if you don't want to be. But I have to do this." She held our her hand. "I need those rings now."

It wasn't what she asked that made him lose it. It was the way she asked it. Calm, controlled, like it was the most normal thing in the world to ask. Like it was okay to ask for it. 
Dean lunged and grabbed Allegra by her shoulders to push her against the window frame. The past two years of being around her flashed through his mind. She had been his conscience, his voice of reason, the one who calmed him down. He missed her so much during the months she fell off the radar. Now he actually found himself wishing she'd never come back.

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