Once the bell rings and it looks like everyone has made it coach Comen clears his throat loudly to get our attention. He's a big man over six feet tall and broad shoulders. His muscles are defined well enough to know he keeps his body conditioned but not enough to be classified as bulging. His hair is a dark brown with eyes that match and a pair of tan rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. Honestly, he's pretty good looking and sometimes I wonder why he's even a high school basketball coach in the first place. He looks so out of place amongst the other teachers here. Coach Comen looks like he should be a personal trainer or something. 

"Okay, as you can see we have some new additions. Nothing is official or anything but some of them might end up joining the team, it just depends on how talented they are and if I can convince them. But for right now this is just another elective for them. The new additions don't mean you can slack off, though, I'm going to work you just as hard today. So get to it, stretches before three laps around the court,"

I stretch my arms out first counting to ten in my head for each arm stretch before moving to my legs. I do a few different stretches before I start jogging around the court at a steady pace. I know coach Comen pretty well after being on his team for three years. So I know it's best to take things slow and work your way up to a faster pace because the man likes to make us sweat. I can't remember a day where we didn't all end class drenched in sweat. It's the same for our real practices after school, too.

I'm making my third lap around the court when someone jogs next to me. I don't even have to look to know who it is. I can sense who it is and I don't really know why. Somehow I know it's Ambrose. Perhaps I'm so in-tune to him because of how much I love him. Whatever the reason is doesn't really matter I guess. What really matters is that Ambrose is jogging next to me and I don't know how to act. Do I greet him? Pretend I don't notice him? What the hell do I do now?

"Hey, Mathias," He says after a few seconds of running next to me.

He doesn't even sound like he's been running because his voice is completely normal! What the hell? Also, that's the first time he's said my name and I have to close my eyes for a few seconds so I don't have a serious fangirl moment from how exciting it is.

I have to take a deep breath before I respond with, "Hi," Yeah, I knew I would sound like an idiot. I'm not wheezing or anything— my body is thankfully more conditioned than that— but my voice is just a bit breathier than usual.

"I mean I hoped you'd be in this class considering you're on the basketball team, but what are the odds that we have all our morning classes together?" He asks.

My heart thumps especially hard just once as I hear his words. He hoped we had this class together? I have no idea what to respond with so I just nod my head and munch out a, "Yeah, weird,"

He chuckles quietly and I swear I'm about to have a heart attack from how sexy it sounds. "I'm glad, though," As soon as his words register in my brain my shoe scuffs on the floor and I nearly face plant. Ambrose's hands shoot out and catch me, though. "Are you okay?"

I nod my head quickly and right myself before stepping out of his hold. "I'm not normally this clumsy, I swear," I rub the back of my neck. What is wrong with my feet today?

He grins wide as he looks me up and down once. His once-over of me has my cheeks heating up more than my running did. Why did he just do that? Is he assessing me to see I'm telling the truth? Do I look clumsy? Can a person look clumsy?

"I think it's kinda cute," The words reach my ears but it takes a good solid ten seconds before my brain registers.

Slowly, my eyes widen and my mouth opens slightly. Did... did he just say what I think he did? Or is it just wishful thinking?

Mathias (BxB, Werewolf)(Book 8) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now