Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

Azula feigned offense, "But what about all of those phone calls?"

"I told you, I was bored."

"You had fun."

I smiled and shrugged, "Maybe."

Zuko glared at his sister, "What are you doing here?"

Azula picked up a shell, "In my country, we exchange a pleasant hello before asking questions. Have you become uncivilized so soon, Zuzu?"

Damn. She really did him like that. 

Zuko looked angry, "Don't call me that!"

Iroh looked upset, "To what do we owe this honor?"

"You know who doesn't have honor..." I started to say, but the tension was way too high to complete that thought.

Azula sighed, "Both of you guys are so quick to get to the point. You should take some notes from (Y/N). At least she said hello," Azula broke the shell she was holding. 

"Hey-!" Iroh exclaimed. 

"I've come with a message from home. Father's changed his mind. Family is suddenly very important to him. He's heard rumors of plans to overthrow him; treacherous plots. Family are the only ones you can really trust," Azula paused, choosing her next words carefully, "Father regrets your banishment. He wants you home," she turned to me, "you as well, (Y/N)."

Bullshit. I know Ozai, there is no way that was true. And even if it was, why would she come all the way here instead of just calling us? Something was wrong.

Everyone in the room was silent.

"Did you hear me? You should be happy. Excited. Grateful. I just gave you great news," Azula rolled her eyes. 

"I'm sure your brother simply needs a moment," Iroh said stepping forward. 

Azula looked furious, "Don't interrupt Uncle!"

Jesus, she needs to chill. I felt myself growing angry. How dare she yell at Iroh like that?

Zuko looked surprised, "Father regrets? He ... wants me back?"

"I can see you need time to take this in. I'll come to call on you tomorrow. Good evening," Azula left the hotel room, slamming the door behind her.


Zuko was packing up everything he had, which was not a lot since you know, our ship blew up, "We're going home! After three long years, it's unbelievable!"

"It is unbelievable. I have never known my brother to regret anything." Iroh said.

"Did you listen to Azula? Father's realized how important family is to him!" Zuko grew slightly angry, "He cares about me!"

Iroh held out his hands, "I care about you! (Y/N) cares about you! And if Ozai wants you back, well, I think it may not be for the reasons you imagine."

Zuko turned his back, 'You don't know how my father feels about me. You don't know anything!"

"Zuko, I only meant that in our family, things are not always what they seem."

Zuko turned to face his Uncle and raised his voice, "I think you are exactly what you seem! A lazy, mistrustful, shallow old man who's always been jealous of his brother!"

"Hey!" I yelled, "You better apologize to your Uncle right now, Zuko. How dare you? He has done everything for you. You really believe that the man who burned your face, is just taking you back? Just like that?"

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