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It was Wednesday during the Easter break and I was at my friend, Isabella's(Isa) house to chill

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It was Wednesday during the Easter break and I was at my friend, Isabella's(Isa) house to chill. It had got be a good three years since I went to one of these get together things, before it wasn't so bad given that I actually knew the people but this time the case was slightly different. Isa is an extrovert to put it simply. So, the case was that I'll know the girls but the boys? Nuh uh. I would sound like some next loser if I said I am nervous. I'm not, don't get it twisted. I get people nervous not the other way round.

I was with my good friends Isa, Nicole and Lisa. It's had been us four since year 7, most friendships don't last this long, and if they did the likelihood that they were fake was quite high. So, it was actually an achievement that we're still so close after so long.

"Wura, just watch how I will get a man for you today. Listen, all my boys are leng. I promise I'm not speaking a word of a lie!" Isa fussed. Unfortunately, my friends are obsessed with the idea of me being in a relationship. I mean, who's gonna tell them? No, nigga is worthy of me. I won't be so easily acquired, and not now anyway, not with everything I have on my plate. I sigh and turn to her, "Babe, give up. It's futile, there's is too much money to be made in this world to be spending my time with a nigga that's not my husband. Remember time is money and time is limited."

"Preach!!! Wura, well said!" Nicole praised me like and old man, we think veryyyyy alike it's borderline creepy. She's the only one that doesn't push me for a boyfriend. Isa gave up and connected her phone to the speakers not long after ivoriandoll starts blasting, watch how her white neighbours call the police on us.

"Oh shit, I heard a rumour IVD is a thot! They said I'm leaking from the STDs that I got! They say I f****d *beep* *beep* *beep* and *beep* *beep* *beep*" Ladies and Gentlemen, my ghetto friends. At this moment when my friends were performing their hood rat antics four boys walked in.  Isa was ghetto, she didn't lock none of her doors except at night, the girl honestly did not know what fear was. "I honestly don't get why you girls like ratchet s**t like this." A light skin boy kissed his teeth, they walked in like it was their home and sat down on the couch.

"Shut up man! Are you tryna say Ivoriandoll ain't lit? Shuuuuuush." Isa paused the music. "Alright so, you man this is Wura." I waved, I had a weird feeling that things might be awkward since everyone already knew each other. "This is Camz, Reckz, Sav and Vanni." She pointed at them respectively. Truthfully speaking, they were all very good looking.

However, out of all of them Vanni stood out to me the most. He was what you would call a stiff chocolate. As in, clear dark brown skin that looked as if you pinch it, chocolate would come out. His well moisturised waves had a nice shine in the light, he also had a fully connected beard which was impressive for a year 12. The earring in his left ear that glistened every time he moved, it was definitely real. As cringe as it sounds his whole aura demanded attention. Naturally, my interest in this individual was greater than the other's.

At the very least it's good to see that Isa wasn't lying when she send her boys were leng, the whole group had to have been blessed because they all stood at 6'1 and above. Coming like some next boy band.

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