Oh... I Forgot

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Ben and I are still the therapy. Just so we can make sure everything will be ok. We've been talking about our family for a while now. Because Dani doesn't really trust either of us. Ben is currently explaining to our therapist what's been going on when it hits me. I stand up. "Jason's gay?" I ask confused. "Y-yeah." Ben looks at me confused. He pushed me to sit down. "He never told you?" I shake my head. "I obviously don't care! But he never told me until he said something about him and Ian and I didn't really think about it. Unless he did tell me and I really don't care because it's unimportant." I do mental gymnastics. Ben rubs my back. I shrug. "Why didn't he tell me though?" I look at him. "He didn't think it was important." I take a deep breath. "Cool." I nod

"Bud?" Jason looks at me. "I was walking to dad." He nods. "And just want you to know that I'm not mad at you or anything I'm more mad at myself for not actually paying attention to it." He looks at me confused. "You and Ian." He smiles and nods. "Yeah. I never told you because I kinda forgot to." He rubs his neck. "You know I don't care right?" He nods. "Yeah obviously, because if you had a problem you would have noticed." I pull him into a hug. "I love you bud." I whisper. He looks at me. "What?" I ask quietly. He takes a deep breath. "Mom?" I nod for him to speak. He hesitated. "My nightmares are back." He whispers. "I've been talking to my therapist about it. So you don't need to worry about me going on a downward spiral." He whispers. "I will always worry." I tell him. He lies his head into me and starts crying. I take a deep breath. "Why do you care so much?" He ask quietly. "Because it wasn't easy getting you into this world, I don't want you leaving it so easily." I whisper. I rub his back. "What happened?" He ask quietly. "We both almost died that day." I tell him.

So ahhh... Ben and I are in the car, in the middle of a parking lot, at Sweetwater having sex... "Fuck!" I moan. Ben grabs my hips so I can ride him faster. I moan in his ear. He rubs my clit. "Ben!" I kiss his neck. "I'm gonna cum." He moans. "Hold it!" He lies his head back. He lies us down across the seats and thrust faster. "Fuck!" He slowly comes. I look at him. He just get off me and pulls his pants on. "I still don't have much control over everything." He motions to his pants. "I know." I kiss him. "I love you." I whisper. He smiles. "I love you too." He smiles. "We should call Jason to make sure he's ok." I whisper. I grab my phone and call him. "Hello!" Dani picks up. "Why do you have Jason's phone?" I ask. "Because he's asleep and I don't like hearing his stupid ring tone." I sigh. "Is he ok though?" I ask quietly. "Oh! Yeah! He had a panic attack earlier but he's fine now."


I hang up and look down at Jason. "Please say you didn't tell them what happened." He whispers. He decided to get drunk and now he's throwing up in the bathroom. "What's going on?" I ask quietly. "High school." He whispers. "Some kid today. She kept flirting with me and than tried to make out with me but Ian came in by the she started to kiss me. Luckily Ian knows me well enough to know that the thought of kissing a girl on the lips specifically makes me want to vomit!" I sit next to him. "You need to tell someone about that."
I shake my head. "I already did." He tells me. "She was suspended for a month and I forgave her." He whispers. "So why are you drunk?" I ask quietly. "It's too much, all of high school. And I feel like mom and dad have low expectations for me and I want to prove them wrong but I can't. Nothing makes sense in class and my mental health is never getting better." He holds back tears. I just wish this could all be over." He whispers. I pull him into a hug. "Do you want me to help you with your homework and stuff?" I ask quietly. "It's not gonna wipe away all your problems but will help so you can worry about everything else." I suggest. He nods. "Ok. Let's get you to bed because I told mom you were asleep and even if you wake up in a hour we both can say you had fallen asleep." We get up and go into his room. "Also I said that you had a panic attack." He groans.

A few hours later mom and dad come home. Jason and I are in the living room watching Tv. He's been asleep on and off throughout the past few hours. "Hey guys." Dad whispers. I get up. "I have to go talk to Kyle." I say immediately. "Ok." I go to the Jones' house hold. Kyle is sitting outside the house. "Hey." I whisper. He doesn't look ok. "Dani can we talk?" I nod knowing it's not good. "What's up?" I ask quietly. "I know we've been together for a while now. But right now." He sighs. "You need a break." He nods. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "It's ok. I actually came here for the same reason." He looks at me. "What?" I cup his cheek. "I think we need to break up for a bit." He nods. "Something else is bothering you." I whisper. "My mom. I found out she ahh... she killed herself and I happened to be the last person to talk to her before she did. Like by minutes." He says quietly. "Do you want to go to Pop's and talk?" I ask quietly. He shakes his head. "No I'm fine." He whispers. There's a pit in my stomach telling me he's not ok. "Kyle?" He looks at me. "I'm fine." He goes inside. I pace around for a while but decide to leave knowing I'm gonna regret it later. I go home and go straight up to Jason's room. "Hey-." I just lie down next to him. "What's wrong?" He ask getting up and going to his fridge/freezer thing. He pulls out a thing of ice cream and spoons for us. "Kyle and I broke up and now I'm really worried about him because after we broke up he told me something that would fuck anyone up." I whisper. "How aren't you fucked up?" He ask quietly. "I'm fine because it doesn't apply to me." I whisper. He looks at me. "What happened?" He ask quietly. "Their mom killed herself and Kyle was the last person to talk to him." I whisper. I watch him process what I told him. "Don't tell Ian. I don't think he knows." He nods. "I won't unless he brings it up." We eat the ice cream. "But now you're worried about him?" I nod. "Yeah. He got pissed off and kept insisting he's fine but I don't think he is fine." I whisper. "I'm really worry about him." I whisper. "Did you talk to Jughead?" He ask quietly. "He wasn't home." I tell him. "Come on." I get up and grab my keys. "Be quiet." I whisper. Jason isn't suppose to be out of the house. "I'm not supposed to leave the house." He whisper. "That's why I'm telling you to be quiet!" I whisper yell. "True." We quietly sneak out the window. "Danielle Blossom!" I look at mom. "Hey." I smile. "Are you sneaking your brother out?" She ask quietly. "Well if you let him leave the house after 8 than no." I say. "What are you trying to do? Because you never do this." I look at her confused. "How do you know?" I ask quietly. "Security cameras." She smiles. "People in this town still have a grudge against our family name. We also live in the murder capital of the world." She tells me. I look down. "Why are you sneaking out? If it's for a decent reason I will at least drive you guys to where you need to go." She whispers. I look at Jason and he's still halfway out of the window. "Get back in here you dumb ass!" I get frustrated at him. He awkwardly gets back in and sits on the bed. "I'm worried about Kyle and I figured if Jason comes along we could convince him that we were there for Ian." She sighs. "How bad did you break his heart?" Mom ask frustrated. "It's not that! It's everything else going on!" She takes a deep breath. "Come on."

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