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The therapist walks in. "Mr. Blossom. How are you doing?" She ask smiling. "I want to get out of here." I whisper. "I want to see my kids, I want to be able to hold my wife without being interrupted, well my kids can interrupt because they're the cutest kids in the world. I want to able to work out, I miss sex, it's dumb I know." I smile at the last part. "The only thing keeping me from losing my mind and ending it all is Toni and the kids." I whisper. "Can I ask about your transition?" I look at her for a second. "What?" I look at her confused. No one has really asked me about it. "Can I ask you about your transition?" She ask quietly. "S-sure I guess." I whisper. "Ok. When did you start to come to the conclusion that you were trans?" She ask quietly. "7th grade but I didn't come out until sophomore year. I was horrified so I came out as gay." I whisper. "Who did you come out to first?" She ask writing things down. "My friends Betty and Veronica." Toni starts to walk in but stops. "I'll give you guys a minute." She holds Pops up and smiles before walking out. "Why not your wife?" My therapist ask. "Because we weren't dating yet. But Betty helped me cut my hair for the first time, that's also when I realized I never wanted my hair cut by her again." She smiles. "I only trust Toni with my hair now. And Veronica helped me find the right clothes." I whisper.

I look over a notice I'm in a ambulance. "What's your name sir?" The AMT ask. I look around panicking. Everything hurts. Everything goes numb and I feel cold. "Hey! Stay awake." He tells me. "Where's Toni?" I ask quietly. "You were alone sir." 

I wake up covered in sweat. I look over and see Betty. "You're awake." She whispers. "What are you doing here?" I ask quietly. "You're not Toni!" I look at her confused. "Toni and I decided to take shifts watching you." I look down. "That's what the doctors are for." I whisper. "Yeah, but you're not ok without someone you know personally." She's not wrong. I look back at Betty. "Toni said you like going on walks." I nod. "I don't want to go right now though." I tell her before she tries to help me. "I'm tired. That just wakes me up." She nods. "Ok." She smiles sadly. "How's the kid?" I ask quietly. "Jessie is good." She smiles. "She's good." She whispers. "This is awkward. Usually we have Veronica and Toni to keep the conversation going." I joke. Betty and I aren't really close, the only reason we're friends is because her and Veronica are attached at the hip. I don't hate her! She's lovely and definitely calmed down after high school, I think we all did. "Yeah." I smile. "I have question." She whispers. "Ok." I look at her. "You're going to hate me after this but umm, when you got your surgery." She motions to her pants. I nod. "How do you get hard?" She ask embarrassed. I smile. "Left ball has a button that tells the catheter in my penis to get hard. The right ball is just silicone." I explained to her. "Do you produce sperm?" She ask quietly. "No. They haven't figured that out yet." I smile. "Ok. Do you still get your period?" I shake my head. "No. I got my eggs removed so Toni and I could have kids." I whisper. "Lucky." She mumbles.

I finally got my cast on my foot off. Luckily the break wasn't that bad so it didn't take much time to heal. Toni holds my hips as I slowly walk into the cafeteria. "Ow!" I wince. "It's ok." She whispers. We sit down. "You look nice today." I flirt. "I think we tell the kids." I tell her abruptly. "What?" She looks up. "I need to see them." I whisper. "We don't have to tell them what happened exactly! But I'm actually going insane in here! The most interesting thing to happen was Betty asking the most awkward questions! Also maybe you should tell me if you're taking shifts with Betty!" I insist. She looks down. "I'm worried about you and I can't be with you the all day and night. Betty was offered to do that!" She tells me. "You really want to see them?" I nod. "What are we going to say?" She ask quietly. "Tell them that after my business trip I had to get surgery on both my hands and shoulder." I suggest. "They won't believe that." Toni whispers. "Dani is 8 and have an active imagination, Jason is 5 and will believe anything you tell him." She rolls her eyes and nods. "You're right." I smile. "I'm always right."


"Dani, Jason! I need you guys to come down here." I hear some giggling. "Now!" I yell trying to sound patient. They both come downstairs. I sit them down on the couch. I tell them about Ben. "He wants to see you guys." I whisper. "He has his hands in cast and his shoulder is in a sling." I tell them. "Why?" I look at Jason, who doesn't say much. He's really quiet. "Well he had surgery to make his hands better and his shoulder needed some work done because he hurt his shoulder working out." I try to explain. "Will that happen to me?" Jason ask quietly. "No! Daddy just needed to. You won't. It's rare." They both nod. "Ok. When can we see daddy?" Dani ask quietly. "Tomorrow. You guys have to be careful with him though. Ok?" They both nod. "Ok." I smile. "I'm going to get dinner ready." I get up. They both get up and I hear go upstairs. "Mommy?" I jump a little. I turn to see Jason. "What's up bud?" I smile. "W-when is daddy going to be home?" I shrug. "I don't know, but soon." He nods. "Ok." He smiles and goes upstairs. He doesn't talk much, that's the most I'll get out of him for the whole day. I make dinner and call them downstairs.

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