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"Jason?" I walk closer. "Am I dead?" I look around. "No!" He smiles. "This probably isn't what you expected." I whisper. "No! You look good." He smiles. I pull him into a hug. "Talk to me." He whispers. I take a deep breath. "Don't know how many times I have to say it. I feel like a broken record." I tell him. "True. You're going to be ok. No matter what. I'm always looking over you." He smiles. "How's mom?" I ask quietly. "Good." He whispers. I hug him again.

I wake up slowly and roll over to Toni. "Hey baby." I smile. "Someone is feeling better." She whispers. "Yeah." I look up and smile. "Jason?" She ask quietly. "It was just a dream but still. It felt real." She turns to me. "Well he was probably visiting you through your dream. I see my parents all the time." She raps her arm around me. I lie into her. "You feeling better though?" I nod. "You and Veronica went to Pop's?" I nod again. "I'm not over anything but I think I can go back there." She smiles. "That's good." She kisses me. "You're amazing." She whispers. "Peace and quiet." We both laugh quietly. "Mom!" Toni groans. She gets up and goes to Dani. "I'll be up in a minute." I roll over and go back to sleep for a bit.

"You feeling better?" Toni ask rapping her arms around my waist. "Yeah!" I smile. She kisses my bare back. I hate wearing shirts. I turn around. "I have to go to work. Jason is home early today but he has to go to swimming." I nod. "I know." I smile. "If anything happens call me." I kiss her. "I know! We've been doing this for a while now." She kisses me. "I know, it's just, i'm usually home." Toni has to go to into work today which is unusual. "I'll be ok." I whisper. "I can drive, I know where Jason goes to school and swims at. I'll call you if anything happens. Go to work before your late." I tell her. She nods. "I'll be home around 3." I nod. "Ok." She leaves and literally don't know what do to with myself. I take a deep breath. I go to my office. I open a small drawer. "Ben!" I look over and see Toni. "I figured you would try something." I look down. "Do you want to."

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