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The door opens to Veronica. "What are you doing here?" She looks at me weird. "I know I should have called and I know it's last minute but Toni and I are going through some stuff and I just need a roof over my head and I didn't know where else to go." I tell her. "I can go and find a hotel." I start to walk away. "Hey!" She stops me. "You can stay here. We don't have a bed so you'll have to use the pull out couch." I nod. "Babe. Who is it?" Betty walks downstairs. "Hey." She looks at me confused. "What's up?" She looks at Veronica and back at me. "Something happen?" I nod. "I just need somewhere to stay tonight." She nods. "Of course. We only have the pull out-." Veronica stops her. "I already told him." They let me in. I sit down "Wait so what happened?" Betty ask handing me some water. "I ruined my marriage. Well Toni came up to me and told me how she was feeling and I wouldn't let her rationalize it. We both kinda made it all blow up." I explain. "You guys need therapy." Veronica says. "Toni already suggested that didn't she?" I nod. "I was drunk!" I get defensive. "And you still are!" Veronica makes me drink my water. "Mom!" Jess comes downstairs. "What's uncle Ben doing here?" She ask. "Don't get married!" I say. Veronica gets up. "He's gonna be staying here for a bit. Come on let's go upstairs." That just leaves me with Betty. "You'll make it through." She whispers. "How do you know?" I ask quietly. "Veronica and I went through the same thing! I've never been happier!" She goes into the kitchen and rummages through a drawer. She comes back and hands me a card. "We went to couple counseling. If Veronica and I can make you and Toni can." I take a deep breath. "You're right." I nod. "It's late. You should get some sleep." She gets up. "I will."


I haven't moved. I don't know how long it's been. I feel a weight on me. I look behind me and Jason brought be a blanket. "I'm sorry you saw that." I whisper. "It's fine." He shrugs and rubs his arms. I open the blanket, he sits closer and I rap my arm around him. "You know you could wear a shirt one day. You wouldn't be as cold." I say quietly. He shakes his head. "I'm good." I smile. "Is he coming back?" He sits up. "I don't know buddy." I whisper. "Please find a way to stay together." I nod. "I'm trying." I whisper. "I am."

The door opens. "Is Ben here?" I ask Veronica. "Yeah. I'll go get him." She goes to get Ben I pace around the front porch awkwardly. "Hey." He whispers. "Are you gonna try and tell me that you don't love me and than proceed to say you never said that?" He ask quietly. "No." I look down. "We need to try and make this work. If not for us than the kids." I tell him. "Ben I love you! We get need to fix some flaws." I tell him. "You're right." He whispers. "You know what-." I stop myself realizing what he said. "I'm what?" I calm my voice. "This is our problem Toni. You always assume I'm gonna say something to piss you off!" He gets mad. He hands me a card. "We have an appointment next week. Until then I'm staying here. After we'll see." He walks back inside. I take a deep breath.


"How are your parents?" Ian ask. "I don't want to talk about it." I lie into him. "But you need to." He makes me look at him. "I think my family is falling apart and I don't want it to effect us." I spit out nearly word vomiting. "Have you talked to him?" I shake my head. "Not since that night." I sit up. "I'm just worried he's gonna do something. I'm worried they both are." I look at him. He cups my cheeks and pulls me into a kiss. "They'll figure it out." He whispers. "I hope."

I walk into guidance. "Mr. Blossom! What can I do for you?" The secretary ask quietly. "I need to talk the to school psychologist." She nods. "I'll go makes sure she's not in there with anyone." I nod. She goes and gets the psychologist. "Hi I'm Maria! I'm the psychologist." I shake her hand. "Jason." She smiles. It's a little creepy. "Come in." We go inside her office. We both sit down. "So what brings you here?" She ask pulling up my records. "My parents are fighting. And I'm afraid they are going to get a divorce." I say. She looks at me. "I'm sorry about that." She writes that down. "Can I ask what's been going on?" I nod. "I don't really know that's part of the problem. My mom said something to my dad and they got into a fight. I think they aren't in love anymore. All I really know is my dad got drunk and moved out for a bit." I rant.

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