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I look at my mothers grave next to my brothers. "Ben." Toni breaks the silence. I look back at her. "We have to pick Jason up." I walk over to her. She raps her arms around me. "I miss her." I whisper. "I know." She kisses my cheek. "You need a hair cut." I chuckle softly. "Come on." She smiles. I look back at the graves one last time.

"It's ok." Toni whispers as she starts cutting my hair. "There's nothing to freak out about." She smiles. I stop her. "It's just hair." She reassures me. I nod. She smiles as she finishes cutting my hair. "I hate freaking out about a stupid hair cut." I take my shirt off. "Why?" She ask quietly. "Internalized transphobia." I confess. I look at her. "I've told you." I whisper as I go to the shower. "Mommy!" Jason yells. "Go take your shower." She smiles. She grabs Jason before he runs in here and sees me naked. I get in the shower. I just wash the hair of my back. I get out of the shower. I walk out of the room and get changed for tonight. "Ben! Can you start acting like an adult?" Toni ask picking my clothes up from the bathroom. "Because you asked. No." She rolls her eyes. "God! You're an idiot." I look at her. "I'm your idiot." I whisper kissing her. "You'll always be my idiot." She smiles. "Jason's getting antsy. We were supposed to leave 20 minutes ago." She whispers as she fixes my tie. "You look handsome." She whispers. "Do we trust Jason and Dani with Sweet Pea and Fangs?" I ask quietly. "No. But we don't really have a choice." She smiles. My eyes widen. "What?" She whispers. "I didn't take my testosterone." She smiles. "You can take it when we get back."

We walk down into La Bonne Nuit. Reggie walks over to us. "Are you guys Antoinette and Benjamin Blossom?" He ask smiling. "We went to high school together." Toni says. "I know I just wanted to sound fancy." He smiles. "Anyway! These are for you. Neither of them have alcohol in them." He tells us. "Thank you." We both smile. I take a sip. "Is it ok?" He ask nervously. "Yeah. You don't need to worry." Toni whispers. He nods and walks away. "Thank you everyone for coming the opening of my new fashion line!" Everyone cheers. I look over and see Betty smiling happily at her wife. "They're so happy together." I motion to Betty. "Not like us." Toni raps her arm around me. "Always." I smile. Veronica says a bunch of stuff that honestly made me bored. "Now. The moment you've all been waiting for." She pulls a lever. "May I introduce to you... JL!" Everyone claps. "I should call the boys." She whispers. "Everything is fine." I pull my phone out of my jacket and check the baby monitors and cameras. Sweet Pea is reading to Jason and Fangs helping Dani feed the cat. "See." I smile. "You're right." She nods. "Toni! Ben!" I look over and see Jughead. "Jug!" Toni pulls him into a hug. "Long time no see." She smiles. "Where have you been?" She ask quietly. "We'll talk later." He whispers to Toni. "Ok." She smiles hugging him again. He walks away. "I don't think he's over Betty." She whispers in my ear. "Definitely." I whisper.


I look at Jughead. Ben went out with Veronica and Betty. Hopefully he's not drinking. "So what's up?" I ask quietly. "My mom. She got sick and honestly I didn't have any time to say goodbye and honestly I'm sorry about that! I just didn't know what else to do. Especially after everything with my dad." He whispers. "I'm sorry about that man."

I rap my arm around Ben. I shiver for a second as my arm leaves the warm bath water. "Can I ask if you were drinking at all?" I ask quietly. "I trust you! I really do! But I just want to make sure you're on the right track." I whisper. "I didn't. None of us did. We went to Greendale and drank milkshakes some where that wasn't Pop's." We both laugh quietly. "How do you make me the bottom even if I'm on top?" Ben ask quietly. "Great off topic question." He straddles me. "What happened with Jughead?" He ask quietly. "It's nothing that you need to worry about. Honestly, he really doesn't want people knowing and it's not my story to tell." I whisper rubbing his thighs. He gasp slightly. "I can stop." I whisper. He shakes his head. "Don't stop." He smiles kissing me. I rub his clit. "Wait!" He stops me. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "It's ok." He smiles. "I thought I could." I smile. "It's ok."

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