First Day Of High School

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Dani and I walk into school. "You ok?" Dani ask quietly. "I don't know." I started school a few days later than everyone else. "Let's go to the office." Dani nods her head in the direction to the office. We slowly go there while I look around completely horrified. "Mom said she sent in your information in." She whispers. We walk into into the office. The secretary looks up from her desk. "Miss. Blossom! What can I do for you today?" She ask way to happy. It's a little creepy. "Umm..." Dani turns to show me. "Mr. Blossom!" She smiles. I can tell you knows my history. When people know what I've done they tip toe around me. "How are you doing?" She ask treating me like a child. "Fine." I say cautiously. "I just need my schedule and locker." I say wanting to get out of here as fast as possible. She hands me my information and we leave. "She's always like that it's not just you." Dani says as we get to my locker and we are out of ear shot. "She's creepy." I open my locker. "Yeah. Welcome to high school. Half the teachers here are probably gonna end up registered sex offenders one day." She jokes. "Do I know anyone?" I ask quietly. "Kevin works here, I don't know why he's not on Broadway. He teaches drama but they might be cutting that by Christmas is more kids don't join. It's me and like six other kids this so far, you should check it out. It'll get your mind off of everything." She suggest. "You know when Josie retired she started working her for all the other music stuff. Again you should check it out." She tells me. "I'll think about it." I whisper. "Anyone else?" I ask looking at her. "Not staff at least."

I walk out into the locker room. "Jason Blossom!" Everyone stops as the coach comes out of his office. He walks over to me. I swallow nervously. "Chuck Clayton. I used to play Football with your uncle." He reaches his hand out for me to shake. I nervously shake his hand. "Jason." I smile. "I've heard a lot about you." He says excitedly. "You're nothing like your uncle." He whispers. "Please don't compare me to him." I say. "I'm not! I meant that as a compliment. The Blossoms have a big reputation, especially your uncle, not saying he was a bad person but it's good you're not trying to be like him." I nod. "I'm assuming you have no interest in football." I nod again. "No interest at all what so ever Sir." I say fixing my posture. "Any sports?" I shake my head. "Unless you consider breaking almost every bone in my body a sport?" Coach smiles and shakes his head. "No not really." He says. "Let's talk in my office." We go into his office and he sits down at his desk. "Close the door and sit." I close the door and sit down. "I'm not a mental health expert but I do know that being active does help at least a little. You're not required to do anything but I would like you to try to do something even if it's walking around the gym for ten minutes." I nod. "I'm not going to make you change unless you want to. That's a rule for everyone so don't worry. The only times you're required is when the principal comes in with a group. He doesn't really care either but we need to look good for incoming freshmen. I usually know when they come in so I'll tell you all ahead of time." He explains. He's talking really fast and I'm not really listening so I'm just keep smiling and nodding. "If you're feeling overwhelmed or anything just tell me and you can go to guidance or whatever you need to do as long as it doesn't disrupt the class or anyone else's." He says calmly. I nod. "Is there anything you want me to know?" He ask concerned. "Well, I'm not really athletic. But I'm willing to try to maybe build some body strength. Umm... if I'm feeling overwhelmed I usually just go to guidance. Sometimes I hunt down my sister if I know she's close by. You will never see me change for gym. I have some respiratory problems so I won't do much running. I don't really know what else to tell you. I'll probably walk out of this class and have a million things but whatever." I say quietly. He nods. "Ok." He smiles. He reaches his hand out. "Just tell me if you come up with something."

"How was school?" Dad ask as I come into the house, Dani has band or something. "Fine." I say placing my bag next to me as I sit at the kitchen table. "What did you do today?" He ask quietly. "Not much. I talked to coach Clayton. He said he knew your brother." I whisper. Dad looks at me. "He didn't really go into detail, but he kept trying to convince me to join the football team." I whisper. He hands me a sandwich. "I'm not hungry." I whisper. "I don't care just eat." He tells me. I eat slowly. "Was he cool with all your issues?" I nod. "Yeah." I smile. "He's not going to make me change or anything but he doesn't make anyone change and he's ok with me sitting out just as long as I try to do a little bit. But even than he's ok if I don't participate because I do have the doctors note." Dad nods. "That's good." He smiles. "When are we leaving for therapy?" I ask quietly. "You don't have it today." I look at him confused. "We all agreed that it would be to much stuff for your first day so you'll go tomorrow." I nod. "Cool." I get up. "Jason." I look at dad. "Yeah?" I ask confused. "Where are you going?" He ask. "My room." I whisper. "Just don't do anything." I nod. "I'm not." I whisper. "If you need-." I stop him. "I'm not going to do anything." He nods. "I know but, you know the drill." I smile and go upstairs to my room.

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