Love is Dead

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"Dani!" I run over to her. She drops into my arms. "Hey! Stay with me!" I take my shirt off and cover the wound. I pull out my phone. My hands are shaking as I call 911. The ambulance comes a few minutes later. "I need to go with her!" I yell. "I'm sorry you can't." The EMT tells me. "She's my sister!" He looks at the other EMT and she nods. "Come on kid." He helps me in. "Call mom." I nod.

I pace around the emergency room. "What happened?" Dad ask again. "I don't know. We were dropping something off at the when for Sweet Pea and someone came up to us and shot her." I tell him. He gets up and walks to the vending machine. The nurse walks over to us. We all go over to him. "Is she ok?" Mom ask quietly. "Yes. She's out of surgery and she's resting." Mom and Dad looks at each other. "Can we see her?" Mom ask quietly. "Only one person at a time." Mom goes with the nurse. A police officer walks in. "Jason Blossom?" I look at him. "Yes Sir?" I ask. "You're under arrest for the attempted murder of Danielle Blossom." He starts to hand cuff me. "Why does this always happen?" I ask quietly.

"Why did they arrest you?" Dani ask quietly. They let me out like an hour after they arrested me. "Because someone thought they saw me shoot you. The police figured out they were high." I tell her. "Of course." She smiles. I hands. I smile. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you." She looks at me. "What?" She ask quietly. "I couldn't help you." I whisper. "You did. The first thing you did was help." She smiles. "I love you." I whisper. "Oh I know!" We both laugh. Mom walks in. "You ready?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." Dani gets up.

I pace around the room. "Bud." I look at dad. "What's wrong?" He ask quietly. I hold back tears. "Jason." He makes me look at him. "Are you ok?" He ask seriously. "How are you staying sober?" I ask quietly. "I've been to a lot of AA meetings the past few weeks. Why?" He ask quietly. He looks at me. "You're not drinking right?" I look at my dad confused. "No! It's just all of this is really hard and I know you don't have the best track record." He looks down. "Are you ok?" He ask quietly. "I don't think so." I whisper.


I walk over to my cabinet in my office. "What did you want to talk about?" I ask quietly. "Us." I stop before opening the cabinet. It has all my alcohol and stuff. I turn to Toni. "What do you mean?" I ask sitting down. "You know how when we first started dating, everything was like a fairy tale. I was so in love with you and you were so in love with me! The butterflies we had! Do you feel them anymore?" She ask quietly. I look down. I take a deep breath. "That's what I thought. Also find somewhere better to hide your alcohol." She gets up and goes upstairs. The rest of the night was weird. She's not wrong. We've completely fallen out of love. It hurts to say. We're all sitting a dinner. "Why are mom and dad staring at each other like that?" Dani ask Jason. "How the hell am I supposed to know!" I get up and go into my office. I lock the door.


"Jason help Dani get up to her room. I need to deal with your dad." I tell him. He nods. I knock on the door. I know he's blacked out by now. "Ben!" I hold back tears. "Ben. I know what I said might have pissed you off. But we can fix this! I love you." I whisper the last part. The door opens. "We can make this work." I whisper my voice breaking. "I think we should separate." He tells me. "What?!" I get mad. "You're right!" He says. "Ben you're drunk." I whisper. "Oh! Really! You told that you don't love me anymore! You are the love of my life and you ruined that!" He yells. "I hate you so much!" He starts crying. "I can't- I can't live without you." He calms his voice. "You know what go fuck yourself!" He grabs his jacket and leaves. I turn around and see both the kids. I look down. Jason just storms off to his room. Dani just stays there. I sit down where I am on the floor. "I'm sorry you had to see us fight." I take a deep breath. She slowly walks over to me. She's still really on her feet. She can walk around and stuff but in short doses. She sits down on the couch right in front of me. "What just happened?" She ask quietly. "You just watched our marriage fall apart in one swoop." I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry you saw that." I whisper. "You guys don't love each other?" She ask still in shock. "I don't know sweetheart. I'm trying to figure that out myself." I tell her. "Was he drunk?" She ask. I look into his office and see the empty bottle of Bourbon. "Yeah." I get up. "Go to bed. I'm gonna try to find him." I grab a jacket and go outside. I was right he didn't go that far. Ben is sitting by the pool. I sit behind him on the pool chair. "I'm sorry." I break the silence. "Why? You don't love me." He whispers. "That's not true." I reassure him. "Than why did you say that we were so in love!  Past tense! You don't love me anymore!" He gets up. "Toni. I can't live without you! I love you more than anything else in the world!" He takes off his ring. "We can go to therapy! Talk our problems out!" I insist. "Toni you're the problem!" He yells. I can hear the anger raging in him. "Ben." I hold back tears. "I'm gonna go pack my bags." He hands me the ring. "Have fun without me." He walks away. I don't even try to stop him.

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