It's Not Living If It's Not With You

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I walk into the hospital room. "Toni." He smiles. "Do you want to get out for a bit?" He nods. I grab his wheelchair and slowly help him in it. "Ow!" He winces. "You ok?" I ask quietly. Ben sits there for a minute waiting for the pain to pass. "Yeah. Let's go." He whispers. We slowly go to small library they have here. I push him up to a table. "How was drop off?" He ask quietly. "Jason finally went in with no problem, but I did get a call from his teacher. He was not having a good morning. He can sense when something is off and he knows that something is wrong." I explain. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "Don't be. It's not your fault." I whisper. "Why were you at Pops anyways?" I ask curiously. "Veronica needed help setting up for Betty's birthday. She knew I was down the street so I just walked down there-." His eyes widen. "My car!" I stop him from panicking. "It's ok! I drove it home. It's in the garage waiting for you!" I calm him down. "They didn't use it for evidence?" He ask quietly. "There wasn't much to check. It's not like the guy stole it and drove off. You did forget your keys."

I walk into Pops. There's still police patrolling and at the crime scene. "Hey, Veronica." I sit at the counter. "Looking for these?" She hands me Ben's keys. "Thank you." I smile. "Did you see anything?" I ask curiously. "No, I was downstairs. You can check the security footage." I shake my head. "I already saw it. Thank you though." She hands me my take out. "Has he realized his car is missing?" I shake my head. "He's still doped up on painkillers. Again." We both laugh.

"Oh yeah." He grins. "Probably best." He whispers. "How's Dani?" He ask quietly. "Anxious." I whisper. "She had a panic attack last night over some work. She's struggling. We should think about getting her help." He nods. "Should we tell them?" He ask quietly. "I don't think it would be the best." I whisper. "You told them I was on a business trip?" I nod. "They must think I go on a lot of them than!" He smiles. "It's not my fault you are in the hospital once a month." I joke. "Ok! Not once a month, every other week." He jokes truly smiling for the first time since everything happened.

"You ok?" I ask as Ben shoots up from his sleep. He looks around. "I want to go home." He whispers. "I know. But that's happened?" I ask quietly. He just shakes his head. "Last week?" He nods. He's been in here for a week now. He's starting to go crazy. "Do you want go out for a bit?" I ask quietly. He nods. I help him into a chair because he still can't walk or use crutches. I wheel him to the window that shows out to the forest. "I don't think I can do this any longer." He whispers. "Ben..." I whisper. "I miss the kids, I miss everyone. Just as I was starting to feel comfortable in my body, some guy who thought it would great to lash out in the worst way possible, took that way from me." My heart drops. I rub his back careful not to touch his shoulder. "I just want the pain to be over." He holds back tears. I sit in the bench in front of him. "You need to stay strong. It's never going to be the same, I get that! But you are going to be ok. Because I'm here for you every step of the way." I wipe his tears. "You're an amazing person and unfortunately horrible shit happens to you. But you're gonna be ok! Jason and Dani miss you like crazy!" He nods. "You're right." He whispers. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" I ask quietly. He shakes his head. "Ok. Do you think you'll ever?" He shrugs wincing at his shoulder. "Can I just sit here for bit?" I nod. "Do you want sometime alone?" I ask moving hair out of his face. "Yeah. But stay close." I smile. "Of course." I kiss the top of his head. "I'll be over there." I go to his doctor who luckily was walking by. "Mrs. Blossom! Long night?" She ask quietly, I just nod. "I'm worried about him." I whisper so he doesn't hear me. "We'll keep a tighter watch on him." She smiles sadly. "Thank you." I whisper.

"What was you and Daddy's wedding day like?" Dani ask quietly. I look at her. "Magical." I smile. "He was wearing a red tuxedo, obviously." I whisper. "It was in the middle of the winter it was snowing like crazy at a ski resort in Washington which is on the opposite side of the country, We go married in front of a mountain with our closest friends and family." I tell her. She smiles. "Why you ask?" I ask quietly. "Last night, before I went to bed. Sweet Pea picked me up. And he's like really tall so I saw the pictures. He said they were from your wedding day." I smile. "Is that the happiest day of your life?" She ask sitting on my lap. "One of them." I whisper. "What are the others?" I kiss the back of her head. "Well, when I had you." I tickle her a little. She giggles. "When Jason was born." I smile. "I didn't really like that. He's annoying." Dani whispers. "Well he's your younger brother he's supposed to be annoying." I joke. "But you need to protect him. Because he's your brother." She nods. "I know. Daddy already told me when he wad born. I love him a lot." She explains. "Daddy or Jason?" I ask quietly. "Both." I kiss her cheek. "I love you too mommy. Don't forget." I haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face. I hope she never gets big. She's to adorable. "I love you too sweet girl." I whisper. Dani stands up and goes back to her homework. Jason walks in and pokes Dani. "Hey!" She gets mad and hits him. Not in the face luckily. For both of them if someone does something poking them they both go from zero to a million in seconds. "Danielle!" She looks at me. "What did I say about hitting people?" I ask getting up. "Go to your room and calm down." I tell him. She goes upstairs. I pick Jason up. "You ok?" I ask quietly. He nods. I grab him a ice pack. "You know better than too poke her." I whisper. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."

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