Chapter 40

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Allie's POV

I had change out of my dress and into a much simpler pale pink one. We were currently eating dinner at our reception and Michael was about to make the best man/big brother speech.

Finally Michael stood up and began clinking his glass obnoxiously. Only him. Everyone stopped what they were doing and payed attention to him.

"Alright, so as Calum's best man and Allie's big brother I get to make a fancy smanchy speach." I could tell he was already buzzed. "Okay so let me start of with an embarrassing story. So I remember being in year 10 and Calum had just asked a girl out on a date. Well let me to tell you this. She left halfway through because Calum tried to kiss her and he went for the but grab but with no tongue. This idiot. But soon after that, him and this girl dated. I thought I knew what love was when I saw those being inseparable. But no, Allie and Calum are the definition of love. Those two, you can see it in there eyes from the way they look at each other. They love each other so much. I hope one day to be able to get a relationship as beautiful as theirs. I love both of you so fucking much. The day I met Allie I knew that her Calum would have something special. And they have. So here's to Calum and Allie. Or as the fans would say Callie." He said lifting his glass. Everyone cheered and raised they glasses.

Calum leaned over and whispered in my ear. "You know what's happening tonight, right?" He said running his hand up and down on my thigh.

I let out a soft moan. "Stop, not here and definitely not now." I say back to him.

He just let a low chuckle before pressing a kiss to my cheek. Soon it was time for the first dance as husband and wife. Me and Calum stood up and made our way to the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his around my waist. 'I Won't Give Up' by Jason Mraz began to play.

"I love you." He says pecking my lips. "A lot more than you know."

We continued to sway with the music. It was soon over and everyone went back to dancing and chatting away. Calum pulled me into a spare room and smashed his lips to mine.

We continued to make out until there was a knock on the door. It opens revealing Emerson. I walk over to her and pick her up. "Hi."

"Hey baby girl." I say. "Everything alright."

"Yes, I just wanted to see you and daddy." She smiles. We sit down on the couch in the room and Emerson sits in Calum's lap.

We sat there and talked and talked until we heard a camera go off. I look up and see the guys and girls. Ashton had a phone in his hands with a big smile.

Suddenly me and Calum's phones goes off. I pick it up and open up Twitter. It was a picture of cal, Emmy, and I on the couch. I saved it and put it as my lock screen.

"You guys are all so cute. I always thought this idiot would be the first to get married." Luke said gesturing to Ashton.

I laugh. "I always thought Hanna would get married first. Speaking of you Hanna, Luke when are you gonna pop the question. Cause it's obvious you guys still love each other."

Both of their faces turn bright red and it was a sight to see.







Me and Calum laid there on our bed of our new apartment. Our bodies covered in sweat. "I. Love. You." He says with kisses in between.

"I love you more." I giggle into his chest.

"Impossible." He laughs.

"Then prove it." I smile.

"I just did." He wiggled his eyebrows. "No, but I really love you more. Now don't argue with me cause we know it's true."

"I hope our next child is a boy." I say randomly.

"So do I, I want somebody I can teach how to play soccer and play bass with. And do all those manly things I can't do with Emmy."

I laugh and snuggle closer to him. This was literally the best day of my life. I married Calum Thomas Hood. I don't think anything could top this.


A/N: I'm laughing at Michael's drunk best man speech. Haha.

But, how was this chapter. Good I hope. Sorry it was so short.

Next chapter is the last one. I so sad. I'm literally in tears that it's the last one. Oh my god.

But anyways. I hope this chapter was good.

I'm not emotionally stable for this next chapter. :(((



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