Chapter 12

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(Picture of Liza)

Calum's POV

I couldn't be happier right now. She's finally my girlfriend. I knew from the day we met each other out on the terraces of our rooms, that there was something special about her.

I think Liza would be happy I finally moved on. She said she liked seeing me smile, which is something I find myself doing every day. All because of Allie. How can one girl effect me, in such a short amount of time.

I think I'm in love with her.

I walk inside my house with a huge smile of my face. "What's got you all happy?" Mali asks walking past me to go to her room.

"Allies my girlfriend now." I said the smile not coming off my face.

"Your lucky, you have a good girl Cal, don't screw it up." Is all she said before walking back to her room.

Mali was right I can't screw this up. Allie is just way to special. I make my way upstairs to my room. I change out of clothes and just stay in my boxers.

I lay down and start to think about all the events that happened the day from when Allie moved here to now. How did I get so lucky to end up with a girl like her. She's perfect and yet again I'm just me.

My eyelids start to droop, so I close them the rest of the way. I fall asleep with a huge idiotic smile on my face.







Allies POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I check the time to see its already 11:30. Oh well. I grab my phone and answer it. Not bothering to look who it is. I'm assuming its Calum, the girls, or one of the guys.

"Hello." I say trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"I'm going to get you, you just wait little girl. Better watch your back." I hear and then the line goes dead. I start to panic, who is that. It sounded like a mans voice. But who?

I decide to brush it off for now. Maybe it was just some joke or something. Yeah. It was probably a joke. I get up from my bed and decide on taking a shower.

I grab my towel and head off to my bathroom. I wait for the water to heat up until I get in. I step in and the warm water feels good against my skin.

I wash my hair with coconut shampoo and lather my body in the matching scent body wash. I finish quickly, get out, and wrap my towel around me.

I walk back into my room and open up my closet. I was feeling lazy today so I grabbed a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater that said 'Fashion Police' on it. Hanna got it for me for my birthday last year.

I put it on and start towel drying my hair. I brushed it out and let it down natural. Pin straight hair had its advantages. I didn't even bother with makeup.

I figured Calum would be awake by now so I decided to call him.

He answered after the first ring. Wow. That's the first.

"Hey babe." He said in his extremely sexy morning voice.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanna hang out today and we can invite everyone else and just have a chill day before school tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll let the guys know. I'll see you in a few." He said and hung up. Having your boyfriend as your neighbor also had its advantages.

I decided to text Savy and Bridgette to invite them over.

My Next Door Neighbor | A Calum Hood FanFictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora