Chapter 2

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(Picture of Allie on the side)

Allies POV

We parked the car and made our way to the entrance, it was a huge mall. Once we got inside we were greeted by two other girls, they were really pretty. One had long blonde hair and sun-kissed skin, while the other had curly red hair, that looked way to un-natural but it suited her.

The one with long blonde hair and the tan skin walked over to me. "Hi, you must be Allie, I'm Bridgette." she said, i stook out my hand for her to shake but instead she gave me hug. People here are nicer than New York.

The other girl came up to me and introduced herself. "Hi I'm Savannah but you can call me Savy for short." She said and pulled me in for a hug which i gladly returned. "Alright lets go shopping, you four go somewhere else. We wanna get to know Allie ourselves, without you idiots." Savy said after we pulled out of the hug.

All the guys groaned and made their way to the music store. Bridgette, Savy, and I made our way to Forever21. "So Allie, what do you think about Cal. Its obvious he likes you, like have you seen the way he looks at you." Bridgette said as we walked around the store.

"Guys, i dont know. I've never been the prettiest of the bunch and plus i just met him yesterday." I said matter-of-factly.

"I bet you'll end up liking him,you two would be absolutely perfect together. He hasn't been acting the way hes been acting around you since his last girlfriend." Savy added.

"What happened to her?" I asked, curiosity taking over me. As per usual.

"She was beaten and then they found her body at the bottom of a lake." Savy said very quietly, so other customers wouldn't hear about it. That made my heartache, Calum didn't deserve that, he such a sweet guy and I'M sure his girlfriend was a great girl too.

"Oh." Was all i could bring myself to say.

They both nodded and we continued to walk around the store looking for things to buy. I immediately stopped when I saw a blue floral sundress. I looked at it in awe for about 5 minutes before grabbing it in my size and heading of to the changing room.

I stripped off my clothes and changed into the dress. I looked up into the mirror and smiled. I love how it looked on me. It was perfect. "Savy, Bridgette, are you two out there." I called out hoping for a response.

"Yeah." I heard Bridgette say. I walked out of the dressing room and I was greeted by them and the boys

"What do you guys think?" I asked doing a full 360 degree turn.

"It looks perfect, you have to get it." Savy said.

Bridgette nodded. "I agree."

I looked at all four of the guys too see them checking me out. Savy noticed and smacked Luke, Ashton, and Michael up side the head. Why not Calum? Cause she thinks he likes me.

"It looks good on you." Calum piped. I blushed at him comment and said 'thank you'. I walked back into the dressing room and changed into the clothes I had on earlier and put the dress on the hanger.

I exited the changing room and made my way to the cashier. I handed her the dress and she scanned it.

"24.67." She said, I went to pull out my wallet but a somebody stopped me. I look up to see Calum.

"I'll pay for it, it's my way of saying welcome to Australia." He said.

"Are you sure, I can pay for it." I felt bad, I didn't want him to pay do my things.

"Yes I'm positive." He said and handed the cashier his credit card. I grabbed my bag and pecked Calum on the cheek. Causing the three stooges behind us to blow wolf whistles. I just chuckled at their immaturity.

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