Chapter 14

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Allies POV

"Dad?" Michael gasped. We all stared wide eyed. My mom was with Michael's dad?


"Allie, what are you doing here I thought you were out?" My mom said panicking.

"And I thought you were with some other guy, not fucking around with one of my best friends dads?" I yelled out. Anger was boiling through me. Everyone else but Michael and I got up and left. Calum kissed my cheek and told me to call him before leaving with the rest.

"This is how you repay me dad. By trying to replace mom. How could you. I fucking hate you." Michael said before breaking down into tears. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and held in my tears.

"There's also something else baby girl." My mom spoke softly. I gave her a look telling her to continue. "Michaels dad is your biological father. Making Michael your brother." She said. That's when I lost it.

All these years I've had a brother I never knew about. She was having an affair with my REAL dad when she was with my fake dad. I continued to cry into Michaels shoulder as he continued to cry into mine.

I finally built up the courage to speak. "I fucking hate you, your not a mother to me. Your a lying piece of shit I've had to put up with all these years. You never once told me I had a brother that lived halfway across the fucking world." I said. My word sounding more like venom than anything. I grabbed Michaels hand and I pulled him upstairs.

"I can't believe I've had a sister all these years." He croaked out as he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"And I can't believe I've had a brother all these years." I said. "Well if anyone is going to be my brother I'm glad it's you Mikey." I said running my fingers through his hair.

"I can't believe who I thought was my mom wasnt my real mom." He breathed out.

"What happened to her." I asked cautiously.

"She died of cancer. Brain cancer. I miss her so much. Even though she wasnt my real mom she was like one. She loved me unconditionally. I loved her. I miss her so much. Even though we weren't blood related it sure seemed like it. We were so much alike." He said as more tears started to roll down his cheeks.

"It's gonna be okay Mikey, I promise. I'm glad I'm not an only child anymore. I've got you and McKenzie now. And I love you both very much." I said and kissed his cheek. This is the first time I've seen him so vulnerable and it breaks my heart. He's my brother after all.

"Lets get some rest, okay?" I told him. He nodded and started making his way out of my room. But I stopped him. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"To sleep on the couch." He stated pointing to the door.

"No, your not. That thing is so shitty. Your gonna sleep here with me in my bed. We're siblings it's not like anything is gonna happen." I said and flopped onto my bed. Michael followed my actions and laid down next to me.

I soon started to doze off to Michael humming one of there songs called Wherever You Are. I think he was singing to his fake but yet real mom.







I wake up in the morning to whispers around me. I groan as they got louder and louder. Thats when I realized I was in bed with Mikey. It probably looked kinda bad.

I sat up to have 10 pairs of eyes on me. Everybody except Michaels, who by the way was still snoring away and Calum's.

"Guys what are you doing here?" I question them.

"We came to check on you after lag night, because McKenzie said it got pretty heated when we left, but then your in bed with Michael. Calum saw and got kind if upset." Luke said all at once. Aw shit.

"Michael get up." I said shoving his shoulder. He groaned but slowly and surely sat up. With a confused expression on his face. "We need to explain to everybody what's up with this whole mess." I said gesturing towards the space between us.

"Okay." He paused before speaking again. "So as it turns out, Allie here is my biological sister. Her mom is my real mom and my dad is her real dad." He spoke bluntly.

Everybody's eyes popped out of there head as they received the news. I don't think any of us expected that. I never did and I'm sure Michael didn't.

"Wow...okay. Well as long as you guys are good with it. We're good with it." Bridgette said sweetly. Why can't I be her, she's so nice and pretty.

"I think I'm gonna over to Cal's, I wanna talk to him alone. I'll be back soon guys." I said. I grabbed some clothes and changed in the bathroom before leaving.

I knocked on the front door and a puffy eyed Cal opened the door. I immediately engulfed him in my arms.

Finally we were seated in his room and I explained everything to him. He was completely shocked.

"I'm sorry, I just thought I lost you already. I don't wanna lose you, like I lost Liza. Seeing you with somebody else would probably be worse than you dying." He spoke softly.

I scooted closer to him and sat in his lap. "I'm not going anywhere any time soon. I promise." I said holding up my pinky. He hooked his pinky with mine and I smiled. How did I get so lucky to meet him.

The rest of the day we spent watching movie, stealing kisses, and cuddling in his room. It was a day spent well until I had to go back home. And speak everything out with my bitch of a mother.



Sorry it was kinda short. But who saw that coming. Mikey and Allie are sisters like what the fuck.

There's gonna be a lot of drama in this book. And that's one thing I can promise.

There's so much more to come guys and in super excited.

I should update by Friday or Saturday. That's my only free time really since school is always up my ass, by being annoying as hell. So yeah.

Okay so where I live on October 10-12 at the movie theatre there's gonna be a special one direction Where We Are premiere/movie thing and in so excited about it. Like I have to watch it.

Okay, sorry for my little 1D rambleish thing.


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