Chapter 35

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Allie's POV

It's been over a year since I left Australia, and everything is great. But I definitely miss everyone back there. I still talk to them occasionally but that's it.

Hanna is now living at my apartment with me. Her and Luke decided to break things off since it would be difficult to be with each other. But they are still great friends.

As for me and Calum. I haven't talked to him since that night we met outside on the sidewalk. I'd like to say I'm over Calum, but the truth is. I'm not. I miss him like crazy, but I'm doing okay.

Currently, Hanna and I were getting ready to go to a party. She had a friend, that invited us. I'm actually excited. I've been here for a year and I haven't made very many friends. All the people I was friends with in high school pretty much got into college somewhere else besides in New York. I only see a few here and there.

"Hey Allie, can you hand me my hairspray." Hanna yells from the bathroom. I respond with an 'okay' and walk into her room and get it for her. I walk back and give it to her before going into my room.

I adjusted my dress. Which was a short red one. But not to shortcut it was a one shoulder as well. It fitted nicely.

"Ready to go?" Hanna asks from my bedroom door.

"Hell yeah." I yell and we make our way out of our apartment. We hail a taxi and give the driver our directions and he drives us to the house.

We arrive at the house and we hop out of the cab. As soon as we entered the music was blaring through the speakers and the smell of liquor was overwhelming. We found Hanna's friend and chatted for a bit until I went to get a drink.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a beer bottle. Now being 20, I could do pretty much whatever I wanted. I'm only one year away from drinking age here in the US. As I was making my way out of the kitchen I bumped into a large figure.

I look up to see who I least expected. Hayden. He looks down at me and smiles. It was a cute and charming one too.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Uhh-." He pauses.

"Allie." I say, smiling. I'm gonna let bygones be bygones. What happened between me and him was two years ago and it's not like we really dated.

"Allie, Allie Walsh?" He asks surprisedly.

"Yeah it's me, so how are you doing Hayden?" I ask trying to start conversation.

"Good, I moved here. I needed a change. So I thought why not come here." He said smiling. God that smile was so heart-warning. "Oh, and I'm really sorry for being a dick to you in high school. I just really liked you but I saw you with Calum and yeah."

My face dropped at the mention of Calum's name. But soon replaced, maybe this would be my second change. Maybe I could finally move on.

A few hours later I was completely drunk. I was sitting on the couch with Hayden's hand on my thigh tracing random shapes on it. The thing is, I was totally okay with it.

Hayden leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Why don't we go upstairs." I nodded, and he led me up the stairs.

He pushed me down onto the bed and places his lips on mine. I was to drunk to think so I kissed back. He licked my bottom lip asking for permission which I gave him.

Next thing I know I'm laying down in bed with Hayden's arms around my waist. We just had sex. I had sex with the guy who was an asshole to me in high school. But, it gave me a feeling that I never felt with Calum. Yeah I loved Calum but it wasn't the same as Hayden.

I eventually doze off and dream about Hayden.







I wake up and I no longer feel a present next to me. I look over and see Hayden is gone. But what I do see is a note ok the nightstand. I reach over and grab it.

I always get what I want

Hayden Xx

So it was some set up. He just wanted to get back at me for I what I did to him high school. I quickly grab my dress and get it on and grab my heels and rush out of this house.

I look in the living room and see Hanna passed out. She'll find her way back, after all this is her friends house. I run out and try to remember my way back to my apartment.

I finally reached my apartment and get inside and began to sob. I was just used. I feel so shitty. I go into my bathroom and take a shower. I feel disgusting.

Suddenly a thought just ran through my head. Did we use protection? I began to cry harder. I could be pregnant. All these things start running through my head until I hear a knock on the door and Hanna's voice.

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around me. I walk out and see Hanna. Slightly hungover. "Han, I need you to go get me some pregnancy tests. Don't ask why just go." She nods slowly and then leaves.

I change into some sweats and a tshirt and wait for Hanna to come back. I start pacing in my room as all these things run through my head. I could be pregnant. This could be Hayden's child. This child would be fatherless. It was a set up.

Hanna arrived back and she handed me the tests. I go into the bathroom and do what I have to do and at them on the counter. "Hanna I'm scared."

She wrapped her arms around me. "I know, please tell me what happened while we wait."

"Okay so last night I was really drunk and Hayden was there, weird I know. But we both went upstairs and we started making out. One thing led to another and then we had sex. And I don't think we used protection. The worst part is that it was just a set up." I sob into my best friends shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay, if there is a child in there." She motions to my stomach. "I'll help you, don't worry."

The timer goes off and we walk back into the bathroom. I pick up the test.

Positive. Positive. Positive.

I drop them and fall to the floor. I began sobbing harder and harder. How am I suppose to raise a child on my own pretty much. I'm only in my second year of university. This baby is fatherless.

I wouldn't even think about abortion. That's taking somebody's life before they even get to live it. I guess I'm gonna have to be the best mom I can be.

Time to start planning for this baby.


A/N: Yay another chapter. This story is nearing its end. I am so sad. This has literally been my favorite story that I've written so far. I feel like it's so much better than my first one.

I've had the ending of this book planned out since the day I started it. Lol. You guys will not be ready for the ending because I know I'm not.

I promise you I will be crying while writing the last chapter. I really hope you guys have enjoyed this so far. Because it's almost over.

Please check out my new Luke Hemmings Fanfiction. It's called Collapsed.

I might update tomorrow, if not Sunday. I'm doing better in school right now, so update should be coming faster. Yay.

Okay, that's everything I have to say right now. Bye y'all.


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