Chapter 15

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Allies POV

I walk back into my house after being at Calum's all day and see Michael, my mom and dad in the living room.

"Oh great your home sweetheart. We're just about to tell Michael what really happened." My mom spoke softly.

I walk over to the couch an sit down next to Michael and lean on his shoulder. "We'll continue your story." I said sassily. I didn't really want to be in the same room as her.

"Okay so here goes, just don't interrupt me. Okay?" She questions, me and Mikey nod and she continues.

"So Jackson and I were high school sweethearts, he actually moved to NYC from here and back to here. In the process I got pregnant with Michael hence he's a year older than you. But anyways, a little more than a year later you were born. What happen was me and your father didn't have the same feelings for each other anymore, or so we thought at the time. So we split it off. He kept Michael and you stayed with me. It just sorta happens that way." She paused before continuing.

"He ended up moving back here and met Rhonda, and I'm so sorry about her. I never knew. But we still kept in contact because I wanted to know gap Michael was doing and he wanted to know how you were doing. After you turned a year old I met your step-father.

I thought I was in love with him. He treated you as his own. I never told you because you probably would've hated me. Which you probably do know, and I don't blame you for it. I deserve to be hated.

You never knew about Michael because you were to little remember and I had taken down the few pictures we all had together. I'm sorry, I really am. Little did I know you'd become best friends with your brother." She said finishing off her speech.

"What about McKenzie?" I asked.

"She can still live with us, but your dad and Michael are moving in with us. So Michael will take the other spare room." She said.

I'm kinda glad that I'm not an only child, and that I have a biological sibling. But that doesn't mean I don't love McKenzie just as much. She's still my sister. But I'm am still sorta upset with my mom that she kept it from me for 17 years.

"I just need some sleep. I need to think for a bit." I said before getting up and going to my room.

I'm decide to just take a shower in the morning so I change into pajamas and lay down.

How can so much happen in so little time. I be literally only been here for 2 weeks and I find out I have 2 siblings. This is so fucking weird.

I fall asleep after a long restless day, only to be woken by a faint tapping on my window. I sit up in my bed and look out it. There written in black marker was "Found You."

To say I was scared was an understatement. I was beyond horrified. I grab my phone from my night stand and quickly dial Calum's number.

"Hello." He answers.

"Can you come over, spend the night. I'm kinda scared Calum." I spoke softly so I wouldn't wake anybody up.

"Yeah, unlock your sliding door. Be there in a minute." He says before hanging up.

Few minutes later me and Calum were snuggled up in between my sheets. My head on his chest and his arms around me.

I then fell alseep peacefully.







I wake up in the morning with Calum's arms still wrapped around my waist. I the took notice in how attractive he was. His chiseled jawline, the beautiful chocolate brown eyes, his perfectly tan skin, toned muscles. He was far by, the most attractive human being I've ever seen.

"I can feel you staring Al." Calum says, in his oh so sexy morning voice.

"I can't help it, your just so attractive." I say kissing his jaw.

"Stoooop, your turning me on." He spoke which just caused me to giggle.

I snuggled closer to him to only be interrupted by Michael busting in my room.

"Hey Allie, oh...your here? Wait how'd you get in." Paused to think. "Oh, the sliding door." I just laughed at his stupidity.

"Anyways I was here to tell you that breakfast was ready. But it seems as if you have other plans." Michael said smirking at me and Calum.

"Oh god Mikey, can you just leave. We'll be down in a minute." He nodded then left.

"Do we really have to down there." Calum pouted.

"Do you want my parents to start thinking things?" I said, the word parents coming out weirdly since I was just use to mom and I.

"Ugh, fine." Calum complained and got up and we made our way downstairs.

"Good morning you two. How'd you sleep?" Mom asks. I get that she's trying to be nice but what do you expect when they keep a secret from you for 17 years.

"Good, I guess." I said not wanting to push the issue any further.

Calum and I sat down and we began eating the eggs and bacon my mom cooked. You could probably cut the awkward tension in here with a knife. It was terrible.

Finally my dad spoke up. "Allie, honey, your gonna have to talk to us soon."

That made my blood boil. "Bullshit, your telling me to talk when you've missed my entire life." I yelled, my face turning red from anger.

"Allie, don't use that kind of language." My mom scolded me.

"No, you can shut up. You've kept this for to long. What the hell makes you think I'll forgive you. Cause by the looks of it, I most likely won't." I spit back before walking back up to my room and breaking out into sobs.

Somebody came in, I assumed it was Calum. They picked me up and placed me in there lap. It was Calum, I could smell the faint smell of his cologne that wore off from yesterday.

I continued to sob into his shoulder as he soothed me with relaxing words.

"It's okay." He said pushing the hair out of my face and pressing a kiss to my forehead. I nuzzled my head into his neck and we just sat there for who knows how long.

"I think we should get up." He spoke.

"I think your right." I agreed. We stood up and made our way back downstairs. Mom and dad left, thank god they work on weekends. I'm pretty sure Mckenzie went to her cousins house. And Michael probably went to one of the guys.

"Calum can we just have a me and you day." I ask.

"Anything for you babe." He said.

We plopped down onto the couch and watched several movies.



Okay, so that was chapter 15. Yay I know.

Sorry i didn't update lately, I've been super busy with school crap.

I will hopefully update sooner!


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